So I decided after looking at countless threads online about detailing jobs, that I wanted to do the same to my paint. Several weeks research and I was ready to pick the products. Got everything in towards the end of the week so here is what I have done so far!
Products used:
Makita 9227 rotary buffer
W5000 wool pad
SO1O yellow buffing pad
Meguiars 2.0 yellow polishing pad
Meguiars 2.0 black finishing pad
Pair of Halogen lights
Lots of microfiber cloths
Started out with a good was with dawn soap to get everything off the paint, let it soak for a few minutes then washed it off.
Here is what I was working with:
Notice all the swirls in the halogen lights:
Here is my new favorite toy:
Pads and liquid used:
Making some progress with the wool and 105, you can see it removed almost all the defects, the haze you see is normal with this step, and comes out with the polishing:
On to the polishing, first with the yellow pad and 205:
Priming the finishing pad getting ready for the final step:
Doing work!
Me and the lovely helper in the new reflection!
Pulled off the tape to get some 50/50 before and after shots, can't believe how great it looks now! It looks wet and the flake really stands out.
Did the rest of the fender:
Money shots:
No swirls, no nothing!
Products used:
Makita 9227 rotary buffer
W5000 wool pad
SO1O yellow buffing pad
Meguiars 2.0 yellow polishing pad
Meguiars 2.0 black finishing pad
Pair of Halogen lights
Lots of microfiber cloths
Started out with a good was with dawn soap to get everything off the paint, let it soak for a few minutes then washed it off.

Here is what I was working with:

Notice all the swirls in the halogen lights:

Here is my new favorite toy:

Pads and liquid used:

Making some progress with the wool and 105, you can see it removed almost all the defects, the haze you see is normal with this step, and comes out with the polishing:

On to the polishing, first with the yellow pad and 205:

Priming the finishing pad getting ready for the final step:

Doing work!

Me and the lovely helper in the new reflection!

Pulled off the tape to get some 50/50 before and after shots, can't believe how great it looks now! It looks wet and the flake really stands out.

Did the rest of the fender:

Money shots:

No swirls, no nothing!