these guys are plentiful in my line of work.
at any time in any given truckstop in the us, you will hear one of these stories
"i was in nyc, and the cop told me to run over the car parked on the corner of the tight intersection, or he was going to have me towed"(and the car ALWAYS described is a jag xjs)
"i was at a scalehouse and dot was giving me a hard time, so i called my buddy the us marshall, and had the dot cop arrested"
"i did coast to coast in 10 hours!My boss/dad/friend/the contractor. had a cargo jet that they transported my whole truck in..."
Have heard these stories told multiple times by multiple drivers over the years, and they don't even bother changing details like the make of the car in that nyc intersection.(have heard it 30 or so times by as many different drivers, and it is always an xjs)
the difference between a trucker story and a fairy tail?
"once upon a time..."
"now this ain't no bullshit..."