So today actually a month ago I heard this noise and is wasn't loud but it was a funny noise hmmmmmmm I check what I could and everything seemed fine. So today I get in my car shift to third and hear a funny noise only in third gear. YEP MY THIRD GEAR IS SCREWED. Makes a horrible noise so in tell I rebuild the damm thing I get to by pass and go into 4th. AND I JUST BOUGHT THIS CAR!!!!!!!! The funny thing is I don't even drive this car hard I treat it better than my girlfriend and if it needs anything I without thinking about it DO IT. I'm just so upset about this because I waited for along time to get this car and things seem to be going down hill. Oh and my paint is chipping!
Now to my question: Where do I start? How much do transmission's cost to rebuild? Is their some won in Seattle that could help me? Or should I buy a transmission and risk it and not know what I get?
Thanks for reading my novel ~Rs4rush
Now to my question: Where do I start? How much do transmission's cost to rebuild? Is their some won in Seattle that could help me? Or should I buy a transmission and risk it and not know what I get?
Thanks for reading my novel ~Rs4rush