One good pull against an STI


Got a bad habit
Mar 27, 2006
St. Cloud, MN
Tonight, I dropped off my daughter's ailing Nissan Maxima at my mechanic friends house. We took the highway back so I could get a few pulls in. We are planning on heading to the track tomorrow night at Brainerd. I just wanted to do a few pulls in the cool night air.
I was at a stop light when I noticed a white WRX STI or plain WRX with STI badge make a U-turn and head south. I had to weave in and out of a couple of slow cars and pulled up along side of him. I saw this car earlier tonight at the local Dairy Queen. As we approached the next red light there was a slow car in the left lane, so I pulled in behind him. At first when the light changed, he accelerated only slightly faster than usual. I was running right behind him, not sure if he was going to hit it or not. When he did, he jumped out a couple of car lengths. By then I was past the slow car and moved into the left lane and floored it. By the time I was at 6500 rpm he was only slightly ahead. When I hit third and at full boost blew right past him. I let him catch up and was hoping he wanted to do another pull but he instead turned left and that was the end of it. He's a local so I will see him again. Not sure you can officially call this a kill, but I know he really didn't want much to do with me.

If she runs good tomorrow night like tonight, it will be very interesting at the track. I am loving these warm days and cool nights.



Ninja Editor 'Since 05'
Jul 24, 2005
sti should be easy for you to kill, i raced my brothers (04') and won without a dyno on it (single upgraded but stock injectors etc)


Got a bad habit
Mar 27, 2006
St. Cloud, MN
Zumtizzle, around here Viper's are more difficult to find than Supra's. I agree about finding faster competition. Just taking them as they come my way. As quickly as the weather is cooling I will be lucky to get in another 6 weeks of driving before I have to put her away for the winter. That's one part of living in Minnesota that sucks. Funky_monkey58 gave me a link last night. Apparently there is an awesome upgrade for the GT35 I am running.

$600 to upgrade vs quite a bit more to do the Billet-67 I was thinking about.


Supramania Contributor
Sep 30, 2005
Clearwater, MN
STI's =
I took one one down at BIR with my 4 door cadillac ;)
Zumtizzle;1397917 said:
Isn't your supra 500+ Horses.

Just saying bud. Go race a viper and report back.
:p very true.

Let me know before you guys leave tonight.


Supramania Contributor
Sep 30, 2005
Clearwater, MN
No caddy yet them fuckers. They told me it will be done tomorrow (thurs). I told them if it isnt I am coming with a flat bed t opick up my car and tranny and I will fix it my self since there to incompetent to replace a tranny in 2 months!!!!!!!!!!!

Im in the sup up if I go ;)


Can't Wait to Be King.
Oct 21, 2006
Sac-Town, NorCal
^ Those battery rules suck.

Battery Box + External Kill Switch that MUST kill motor, and Complete Power Cut.

I'd just make a firewall in the trunk. ;)

Dan it's no biggie. I was joking. ;)