OMG crazy night, Drunk,blood,police,cat(warning blood/messed up cat) pics


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
I doubt it's cat on cat. I've seen plenty of that -the damage is too extensive.

I wouldn't discount a dog (or racoon) however.


Supramania Contributor
Ok, my guess on the cat deal is lack of dog footprints in the blood, but the photos are not complete, and the dog may have had smaller feet, so those you can see might be dog. (I'd guess dog due to the amount of blood spatter, but that cat with the eyeballs ripped out leads me to think it was cat on cat.)

The blood could be from a artery wound. There is lots of blood in the face and skull area on cats just like humans. (Facial wounds seem to bleed more than many others.)

Cat on cat would make sense where the blood goes under the vehicle too.

CSI is funny, I really like to reconstruct accident scenes actually. (Skid marks, damage to the cars and figure out the direction, speed and other aspects of the loss. What people tell me is always secondary to the physical proof.)

Test the blood, and you'd know if it was cats or a cat and dog, or whatever else...


Supra teacher 101
Apr 4, 2005
Adjuster said:
Ok, everyone is missing the obvious here.

Cat fight. Seriously. (This was cat on cat violence..)

Possibly a dog got ahold of that cat, but generally dogs whip them around and break their necks, so the cat dies where it's caught.

You can clearly see from the blood spatter marks how the cat was shook around, or was fighting. (If you tested the blood, I'd bet two felines were involved, or one feline and one canine.)

From the evidence, I'm thinking cat/cat. There are no dog foot prints, just those of cats. (Anyone who was fighting with this cat would have left marks, and there are only cat foot prints...)

The fact that the blood trail goes under your vehicle leads me to think it's cats too. (They like to hide under cars where dogs can't get to them easy, but other cats will carry the fight under cars just fine.)

Seen cats fighting over a female in heat scratch out eyeballs, and bite off twigs and berries too. (Or seriously chew the hell out of them..)

its eye is poped out of its Socket, its collar was found across the street from the cat owner, that lives across the street from us, 2 beer bottles was next to the collar that was Pulled off the cat , big party was down right next to the womens house that cat got Injured, my cat's were inside and my dog's almost 18 yrs old and other one is playful, so its a big Misteroury (huge sp) also its weird it couldnt move, yet it some how jumped over my 6 foot fence?(it was Very Injured) ehh idk weird, i didnt get a good look at the cat, alls i saw was a poped out eye and blood everywhere and it meowing in pain and i felt really bad so i left

so it could of been a cat, but where is the other cat? That cat got its ASS kicked if it was one single cat and no other signs of the cat, and no blood was under any vehicle, we have a big garage and it gets used, so it was hiding under nothing, at the time my parents noticed it when my pulled out of the garage so the driveway was 100% empty, the blood is everywhere, leads from the sidewalk to the garage door like someone Chucked it at it, its Splattered everywhere

IMO: Something with Brute force hit it, it stumbled to my house shook its head everywhere, flung blood everywhere prolly a broken jaw, cuz its eyeball is still there, its just poped out, so thats what i think, Brute force, might of gotten ran over by drunk people leaving the party. idk.
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Supramania Contributor
Ok, new evidence.

Collar was torn or undone?
Collar material? (Leather or nylon? What is it made of.)
I thought you said your Hummer was parked in front of the garage.. My error.
Blood tracks from the street to the garage door. Is the blood even, or concentrated in one particular area?
Any foot prints in the blood? (Human foot prints in particular?)
Any broken glass or vehicle parts. (Like the lens of a lamp for example?)
Any skid marks near your house. (Skidded to avoid the cat for example.)

Just because your dog did not do this does not rule out a dog. (Could be a dog with someone at the party.)

I'm thinking absence of human foot prints this is animal v/s animal. (Likely still Cat on cat, or cat v/s dog or other possibles. Not many raccons here in Boise, but I suppose anything's possible.)

In any case, you guys put that cat down right? Leaving it alive is inhumane IMHO.


Supra teacher 101
Apr 4, 2005
heard from the neighbor, the Vet said its jaw's broken and eye needs taking out, gonna take 2,000 Surgeory to fix it and She's gonna get it done.

Vet Said it was brute force that broke it, no Fighting with any other Animals nor did it get ran over, There is a dent on my garage door, where 90% of the blood is, Someone Threw a beer bottle or kicked it in the face or hurt it for shit's. Kinda fucked up, but the Party was thrown by a chick my age cuz her dads out of town, so now ther egonna tlk to her dad and yea, I fuckin hate animal Abusers, if they did it to my cat, i would Most likely Fuck There world up


Computer Aided Drafting
Aug 10, 2006
I'm really sorry to hear that man, that would really piss me off. I have a soft spot for cats, and seeing that made me sick.

There was a guy out by where my wife's mom lives. He was shooting cats for the fun of it, any cat he could find. Even the ones on my mother-in-law's property. There were bullet holes and blood where he'd leaned over the fence to shoot a cat in her yard. He was arrested, and put in jail for I don't know how long. But yeah, I hate those types of people.


Yup, Thats The G/F
Jul 14, 2006
Bay Area, Ca
Seriously, I really don't like cats, but thats really messed up. There's never any reason to do that, the cat hasn't done anything to you. If I had seen it, I woulda left the guy who did it with a few marks to remember the night by.

If someone did that to one of my dogs....


Supra teacher 101
Apr 4, 2005
Ok heres an Update

Surgeory Total was 3k. they wired its Mouth Shut to fix its jaw.

Cat threw up and it Suffocated itselfs, it died at the Vet's, and Owners still have to fork over 3k for a dead cat' Sucks ~


Supramania Contributor
Sorry, but I have to laugh at what people will spend on pets. That's insane.

You want to know what's worse?

Let's say someone runs over your dog, you take the dog to the vet, and have it repaired, and it costs you 1200.00 (Real story.)

The dog is considered real property by the state. (In most places.)

Guess what the other party might owe you if anything? Only the value of the real property.

So, if the dog is worth 300.00, and you paid 1200 to fix it, your out 900.00.

Belive me, there are court cases on this stuff, and animals are property in the eyes of the law.

Sucks to be the ones that allowed that cat to be taken to the vet for anything other than being put down in a humane manner.

Not trying to be crass, but reality is people tend to forget this when dealing with a loved pet. A good friend, or vet would have suggested to do the responsible thing and put the animal down.


The Sarcasm Specialist
Sep 29, 2005
Bucks County, PA
when I first saw pics. i was thinking it was a cat having its period....boy I would of made a bad veternarian.
that sucks anything dieing i hate( except flies, mosquitos, and ticks)