No issues, but i only have about 5k miles on the engine so far (good oil pressure though). I actually found that with the new bearing pressed into the block it wasn't perfectly round to begin with. I was able to push the shaft into it and rotate it around, and wherever the bearing was left shiny is where i started to remove material, and just worked it slowly until the shaft fit nicely and rotated smoothly without much drag. That is just my opinion though, the way suprarich explained is the proper way to do it. Are my bearings perfectly round? Probably not... Does it matter? Probably not... seeing as how they dont bear a huge amount of load anyways. The main idea is to keep the clearances tight for oil pressure, any loose clearance in the engine is going to be a place for too much oil flow and low idle oil pressure. Also like people mentioned, if you do end up doing this, use a very high grit sandpaper, or simpler, just use a scotch brite pad and work very slowly so you dont remove too much.
Also, make 100% sure your oil holes are lined up, stick a piece of welding wire or coat hanger through the oil hole in the main bearing saddle and make sure it goes all the way through.