Well. The bearings on my old engine were perfect, but the machine shop cracked that block, and then got me a new one. With very very bad oil pump drive bearings. And pretty much bad everything else too.
So. Where do I get these things? The ones from Toyota are oversize... and the only other place that I've found is SIP Racing. I ordered from there... 4 business days later and they haven't even charged my card.
I actually took the ones out of my old engine and was planning on putting them in the new... Then I screwed that up by putting the front one in first... Long story short the extension hit the front bearing and put a nice few dings in it... :nono:
So. Where do I get these things? The ones from Toyota are oversize... and the only other place that I've found is SIP Racing. I ordered from there... 4 business days later and they haven't even charged my card.
I actually took the ones out of my old engine and was planning on putting them in the new... Then I screwed that up by putting the front one in first... Long story short the extension hit the front bearing and put a nice few dings in it... :nono: