Oil pressure, how much is too much?


Formerly Nosechunks
Feb 25, 2006
Long Island, Ny
i thought removing the stock filter adaptor opened up a big pressure increase? it seems that with converting thatbanjobolt line, shimming the pump and getting a remot oil filter kit im still running the same pressures as someone with a totally stock setup? maybe my gauge is off???


Formerly Nosechunks
Feb 25, 2006
Long Island, Ny
well im using a shitty gauge but seems to be somewhat accurate, but i willl be hooking the stock gauge up, and im waiting on an oil cooler that im gona run with a thermostat, i dont currently have one. the only reason i say the one i have seems accurate is becasue it was reading comprable to the stock gauge. its a noname brand gauge though.
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Supramania Contributor
Nose, not sure why yours is not higher. Could just be your bearing clearance is such that your base pressure is going to be where it is. (And that should be fine as long as you don't have periods of no oil pressure to wear the bearings more, and increase the amount of oil being lost, and lowering your overall pressure even more.)

I would try running thicker oil and see what that does. (15-50 for example. If you use synthetic oil, it's still going to pump just fine in cold weather, and it's going to give you better protection when hot and under harsh conditions.)


I ♥ Boost
May 3, 2006
Kelowna, BC
at idle I'm at about .5 - .7kg/cm2.. at about 1k i'm at about 1kg/cm2 and anything above 2k it's at around 2kg - 2.5kg/cm2..... this is normal yes? I'm running 10-30 wieght oil


Supramania Contributor
so, 7psi at idle, and 30ish at 2k or more? Sounds normal to me. (pretty good actually, there are some on here that had just a few psi at idle, and not much more than 20 at higher rpm.)

I was shooting for 30 at idle, but the pump is not driven fast enough for that to happen with the amount of bearings we have. I get that and more at cold idle, but hot with the 10/40 Rotella T Synthetic, I'm seeing just barely 20psi at idle, and 60 at high RPM. Can't complain however.


Formerly Nosechunks
Feb 25, 2006
Long Island, Ny
Adjuster said:
Nose, not sure why yours is not higher. Could just be your bearing clearance is such that your base pressure is going to be where it is. (And that should be fine as long as you don't have periods of no oil pressure to wear the bearings more, and increase the amount of oil being lost, and lowering your overall pressure even more.)

I would try running thicker oil and see what that does. (15-50 for example. If you use synthetic oil, it's still going to pump just fine in cold weather, and it's going to give you better protection when hot and under harsh conditions.)

yea the motors coming back out in the winter for a tranny rebuild (auto) and to just go over everything and make sure everything is nice so im going to check the clearances, i remember when i put the motor together they were within specs but i wana check exactly what they are. im not too worried about cold weather as this is not a DD. its a weekend/nice day car. im going to do an oil change with 15-40 to bump it up slightly and see what it runs at, if that not enough then after i reach 3 thousand miles ill switch to 20-50 synthetic. that should be good.

if i check the clearances and there just a little big can i order bearings with a tighter clearance besides like .010 over or .020 over? can i get like .002 or .003 over??? when i had my motor done the machine shop ordered everyting so im not sure lol.