I belive that IJ tested a pan off the engine, and it took 8 or 9 quarts of oil in it before the oil would be at the level of the spinning crank and rods. (Where you start to get serious windage losses, and it could whip up the oil. Foaming oil is not good as it's a terrible lubricant in a motor.)
So, short answer is that 6 quarts is excellent, but I would not run more than 7 or 8 unless you have a remote filter setup, or medium sized cooler added into the system. (They all hold more oil in them.)
I have two remote filters, about 21' of AN10 line, 3 quart accusump, huge RX7 cooler that alone holds another quart of oil, so my "base" oil fill is 10 quarts, but it "tops" out at 12.
I have found that on my engine/setup no foam is present at 12, but it blows oil out of the dipstick tube and my PCV setup. (I'm working on improving that system now so there is less crank case pressure from blowby, also this was on a pretty new motor, so the rings likely are not sealing as well as they should be at this point. I lowered the oil level to 10 added, but there is some residual oil in the system, so a perfectly accurate count can't be made.)
I know there are some that claim oil is trapped up in the head under high RPM use and higher oil pressures, but I belive that's urban myth. The head does have some small oil drain back holes into the block, but there is a large tube that dumps oil back into the block next to your oil cap, and that alone is plenty of oil drainback capacity. (Also it appears they set this head up to hold some oil up there anyway, so I belive it's a non issue.)
My dipstick at full is when the oil is just at the point where the flat metal is attached to the wire. This is at 10 quarts of oil + whatever's left in the system prior to the oil change.
The green filter where the vapor canister used to be is a 1 micron or better bypass filter, the blue one on the right forward apron is the full flow Canton/Mecca filter good to 8 microns.
I have the RX7 cooler right in the airflow coming in my 88 upper grille area. There is no center support on my setup, so I had to custom build a brace to keep the upper tie bar from twisting, or the hood would not latch right.