Guys, just thought I might post this up in here too (there's another similar post in the oils/lubricants section). I discovered something interesting while changing my oil last weekend:
Anyone else notice this on their 1j/2j/7m/whatever? The threads have some sort of cutout on them, I can only guess to aid in draining the oil, since this cutout is on the lowest point of the drain hole. Never seen this on any other engine that I've change the oil on though, not to say that I really looked all that hard, just noticed it because I stripped out the plug bolt that was in there at some point or another.
Anyone else notice this on their 1j/2j/7m/whatever? The threads have some sort of cutout on them, I can only guess to aid in draining the oil, since this cutout is on the lowest point of the drain hole. Never seen this on any other engine that I've change the oil on though, not to say that I really looked all that hard, just noticed it because I stripped out the plug bolt that was in there at some point or another.