We are going off topic a little bit but it`s an interesting point to discuss in my opinion.
- the point that the cooled oil goes to the pan doesn`t make a difference if your oil is cool enough. It´s a circuit and it makes no difference if the cooled oil goes directly into the engine or first into the pan and then to the engine
- the size of the cooler is big enough for stock using if everythings works well like the cars left Toyota (if any part of that system is bad, it will effect a lot of your cooling)
- I´m using two 19 row oil coolers in my SP61 Supra and it is well cooled - I decided to use the stock system just with bigger coolers (a bigger single one wouldn`t fit with my intercooler setup)
The reason why I decided to use the stock system is the following -> in idle with warmed up or hot engine your oil pressure is pretty low compared to other cars -> with low oil pressure your head will get a slight problem because of less oil coming to the head -> if you use a oil cooler setup which directs the oil to the cooler, even in idle with low pressure, your head will get real problems as not very much oil will go up there.
That´s the reason why Toyota build it like they did (in my opinion of course, I haven´t asekd them

) to get around that problem.
I hope everyone understands what I mean, pretty hard to describe if you are not a born english speaker