Supra-K;1147937 said:idk maybe it was just personal prefrence, but o man that was nuts, lucky the car didnt burn down, the crowd was freakin out at first lol but I saw your pass man it was nice, crazy 60', i got like 6 runs in you only got 2 right? and it was just a freeze plug that caused the fire?
Here is my little story I put together on SF.
Aight Gang, finally made it home after 10 hours of being beat down in the truck.
First off here is the latest setup.....
2JZGTE, GT42, Virtual Works Intake, Built Block, Little Head Work, TH400 Auto, 1 Piece Aluminum Driveshaft, Stock Differential setup very Aggressive, 26" Mickey Thompson ET's.
Here are some pics we took......

We got three pulls on the dyno........

After the show and shine on Friday we headed to the track for a little Test and Tune. This was the beginning of our challenges for the weekend. First pass we ran a 9.85 all boost. 2nd attempted pass we shot a freeze plug out of the #5 cylinder on the intake side(thank god it was not the exhaust side LOL). So at that point we were done for the night.

Spent the next morning hunting down freeze plugs. Got the parts I needed and headed to the track. Pulled the whole intake side of the car down at the track cleaned the hole installed the new freeze plug, reassembled, and got ready for the last round of qualifying. Got to run up against Vijay from Big Daddy, I ran a 9.69 on that pass which put me in 2nd place below Vijay's 9.62. First round of elimination, launched the car, knew something was wrong when I saw a BBQ up under the hood.
Pulled the car over and jumped out, cut switch, popped hood, it was not too bad at that time but it was burning some rubber grommets on the firewall and was slowly starting to burn in the cab LOL. Looked around tried to blow it out, no good, tried spitting on the fire, not even close, finally the track guy comes walking up towards the car, I yelled at him. " Hey man the shit is still on fire, can you move a little quicker." HAHAHAHAHA Got it towed back to the pits to find the fuel solenoid line for the nitrous loose. Geez!!!!:bigok: Swapped all the plugs, had John check what little logs we had, headed back to the fun run lane. The guy at the track asked me what I was doing in that lane, I told him " I am making another pass!" hahahaha
Lined the car up to run the personal best of 9.37 at 149.02mph with about 31.5lbs boost and 150 shot for 1.2seconds in first only! Oh yeah!!! That was the best part of my whole weekend! Vids and more pics will follow as they are ready.
Just want to again thank John Reed for getting this car ready and helping me work through all the problems. We still have more in it and did not get a chance to go "ALL IN" as we were wanting to do but hey, I WILL TAKE IT!
Here are a few more pics....