Ok, to make a long story short I have an 87 n/a supra that I installed an OBX header on, went to plug my O2 sensor in, and it would fit due to the diameter of the sensor (it wouldn't fit in the hole on the collector), plus, the collector's flange was tapped wrong and the holes were offset, solution: i had a block off plate on there for a while which was fine but then my car ran too rich and shut off at idle. So i went out to find an O2 sensor that would fit, the 89 fit with little modifiaction to the flange so that bolts could go through. Installed it on my supra yesterday, and now the car starts and then immerdiately runs to rich and shuts off. Is there that much of a difference where an O2 sensor for an 89 will tell my computer that I'm running too rich and shut me off? Will I have to somehow use an 87 oxygen sensor? Also, anyone who has an OBX header, let me know what your solution to not being able to fit your O2 sensor was?