I looked a little bit,but could'nt fine any chatter about it.I'm planning on cutting a receiver groove around each bore for a stainless wire.The groove will be .041 wide and .020 deep.I'll use a .041 stainless wire with the ends butting up.The groove will be about .050 to .075 outside of the bore,depending whose HG I use.
I work at Flatout Racing Gaskets,and think maybe have a copper head gasket water jetted with a softer copper for better sealing with the o-ring groove.Even though I've had the block and head resurfaced,not sure if it's smooth enough for a steel HG.I hope to run 20-28 lbs. of boost on E85 on the street.Any thoughts on my plans?Negative or positive?
I work at Flatout Racing Gaskets,and think maybe have a copper head gasket water jetted with a softer copper for better sealing with the o-ring groove.Even though I've had the block and head resurfaced,not sure if it's smooth enough for a steel HG.I hope to run 20-28 lbs. of boost on E85 on the street.Any thoughts on my plans?Negative or positive?