I'm working on a project for an engineering class of mine. I'm suppose to design and o-ring for just a simple endcap that plugs into a tube. Its one of those things where your provided SOME info, measurments, etc. and you figure out the rest. It seems like it should be quite simple and maybe it is, but its just not clicking for me. Heres some links if anybody wants to take a look.
Also, I dont know how to attach some pictures that really will help understand, but put up your email and I'll send you the pictures. I know this would be a lot of help, but if you interested, please help! Thanks!
Here's the assignment:
Welcome to SealTec LLC. We primarily build low pressure pneumatic systems. Your first design project as a new engineer is to design and machine an o-ring seal for a low pressure end cap. You will work in a team from your ME110 lab section. Figure 1 shows a simplified assembly containing the low pressure end cap.
A partially dimensioned engineering drawing for the end cap is attached. The design will be similar to existing parts so some dimensions have been set. To complete the design, you must select a standard size o-ring and calculate the following three dimensions:
• Groove Diameter (Gd)
• Groove Width (GW)
• End Cap Outer Diameter
The three undetermined dimensions are shown as empty boxes in the partially dimensioned engineering drawing. You may choose one of the following AS568A o-rings for your design: -121 or –214. Design for 8% to 15% o-ring compression (i.e. crush).
Everything you need to complete the calculations is available at the following engineering website: http://www.efunda.com/DesignStandards/oring/design_guidelines.cfm
Also, I dont know how to attach some pictures that really will help understand, but put up your email and I'll send you the pictures. I know this would be a lot of help, but if you interested, please help! Thanks!
Here's the assignment:
Welcome to SealTec LLC. We primarily build low pressure pneumatic systems. Your first design project as a new engineer is to design and machine an o-ring seal for a low pressure end cap. You will work in a team from your ME110 lab section. Figure 1 shows a simplified assembly containing the low pressure end cap.
A partially dimensioned engineering drawing for the end cap is attached. The design will be similar to existing parts so some dimensions have been set. To complete the design, you must select a standard size o-ring and calculate the following three dimensions:
• Groove Diameter (Gd)
• Groove Width (GW)
• End Cap Outer Diameter
The three undetermined dimensions are shown as empty boxes in the partially dimensioned engineering drawing. You may choose one of the following AS568A o-rings for your design: -121 or –214. Design for 8% to 15% o-ring compression (i.e. crush).
Everything you need to complete the calculations is available at the following engineering website: http://www.efunda.com/DesignStandards/oring/design_guidelines.cfm