Well, unfortunately, you may have heard, the lunies have the keys to the "big car"!:aigo: The Republicans got their asses handed to them, or did they? The House dems have 11-12 more seats, and the Senate, a two seat majority. We now get a chance, to see the Democrats try and "right" the ship. They have two years, the clock is ticking.
This will be interesting. Will they work with the President, for the good of the nation? Or, will they waste our tax dollars, with all kinds of investigory panels and inquiries, to try and find "the smoking gun", that would give rise to impeachment hearings???
It's going to be very interesting! I'm sure the presidents "veto pen" is going to be busy.:icon_razz
This will be interesting. Will they work with the President, for the good of the nation? Or, will they waste our tax dollars, with all kinds of investigory panels and inquiries, to try and find "the smoking gun", that would give rise to impeachment hearings???
It's going to be very interesting! I'm sure the presidents "veto pen" is going to be busy.:icon_razz