Now Available Remote Start for Manual Trans

Mr. Sinister

Aug 30, 2005
noah89t;916323 said:
so my question is, are you selling the same models as your previous group buy, yet it is still the newest unit from Directed?
have they not made anything new yet?

He probably updated his old thread to reflect the new model number.


Pronounced Tek-DAY-us
Jan 23, 2006
Vancouver Canada
I can't find any info on the safety system for manual remote starting on this model. Is it like the compustar, where the engine runs until you get out and close the door, then the engine shuts off, to ensure that it is not left in gear?


Supramania Contributor
Oct 8, 2006
Manchester NJ
Ok just to clear up a few things. I'll still do any of the older systems if its still available. The new unit is the Matrix 3.3. It replaces the old 3.3. Clifford refers to these as the new "LE" series, but doesn't have a new model number for them.
This link has the only pic of the new remote that I can find. As soon as I have one in hand I'll post actual pics.

This unit is the one that I want to do a group buy on.
It is a 2-way Alarm/Remote Start/Keyless Entry. The issue with a manual is of course leaving it in gear. This system uses all of its inputs to try and eliminate starting in gear.

In order to use the remote start, you will have to activate the cooldown timer before shutting the engine off. This will be by applying the E-brake.This allows the R/S to "see" the car running and not in gear. The timer can be set for 1-5 minutes. Now the alarm watches to see the drivers door open and close. Once the cool down timer expires and the car shuts down, the R/S is active and can be used to start the car. If a door is opened the R/S goes inactive and the cycle must be redone. I can also tie in the shock sensor if wanted to disable the R/S but I don't think its really needed. Clifford has had this circuit available for a while but it was in an outboard module and added about $100 to the cost of an install.
Compustar has had this logic for a while as well but i've never care for their chasis layout and install logistics. On top of that they are very expensive.

I want to do the G/B on these units for both sticks and autos. Price is going to be $425 shipped. I need to buy these in groups of 6 to get the best pricing.


The unit will look similar to this when recieved, but with a different remote.


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
Poodles;916518 said:
JJ: not to mention the kit is nearly plug and play for our cars...

Nearly plug and play? Looking at the other thread it's the same as any install. You splice in the wires. The only thing I see different is he's supplying a few trinkets and instructions on which wires to splice into and where to access them. That's worth 300 bucks more over similar functionality from another system and the buyer still has to do the work? Lmao. As a service to the community he could post that information up you know. I could, for this box, the CS unit, or any other gadget. If anyone needs help wiring anything into their car they're always free to PM me. This stuff isn't rocket science. That said I'll bow out of this thread to avoid stepping on more toes...

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
JJ is right, not a good deal. What should be easy and is for some are two different things. Look at how many can't figure out how to hard wire the fog lamps to the switch, despite detailed instructions with photos.


Supramania Contributor
Oct 8, 2006
Manchester NJ
Ok first of all JJ is comparing the price of a P.O.S. Crimestopper IN THE BOX to a FULLY prepped harnessed top of the line Clifford. If anybody can find me this model in the box for $125 I'll take ten. Forget about what it would cost for the average person to duplicate this once you add in the cost of the unit which is over $200, over 60 connectors, an HKS TT harness, approx. 2 rolls of E-tape and approx. 12 feet of various diameters of split loom. Not to mention 2 relays for the clutch bypass. Did you notice that I label each wire. These things come with over 60 wires out of the box that need to be addressed. I narrow that down to 10.
Its true that the person who does install still needs to have some mechanical ability. But not nearly to the degree of trying to install some P.O.S. out of the box. Furthermore once installed this unit will be of superior quality than if it were installed by 95% of the hacks out there that call themselves pro installers. This will also carry the lifetime warranty for which a pro install is required by Clifford. Can you same the same for some crap bought for $119 off E-bay or where ever.

This is what comes out of the box.

This is what I send you.

I've posted my installation guide up here for free since last year. Everyone is welcome to use it. But what I'm offering is a product that is as close to having me expertly install this for you myself.

This is a PM from someone thats seen my work in person.

pimptrizkit said:
hey toyo,

i have an alarm matrix rs 3.5

and i am curious what it would cost for a new antenna, remote, and how much it would cost for you to take mine and make a nice harness like last time.

the last unit i bought i installed in my brother's car since i liked the alarm so much, but the microwave fried my remote and i had to leave my antenna in my other car when i swapped shell's

lmk what you can do for price's, worst case i can still wire this to save but can you get the two parts i need?

i am also curious if wiring this alarm into an mkii (82 L-type) would be similar to that of a mk3

thanks alot bud,


These units retail for over $600. So if you think I'm charging too much don't buy one. But don't start throwing around numbers you've pulled out of your ass.

Anyway in the old group buy there was a list of members that purchased the other units. Most of them had shooped the same models around then made their purchases from me. Contact them and ask if they were happy with what they received then make your own choice.
I'm done ranting, sorry. Tony.


thread killer
Dec 22, 2005
vancouver Wa
the other's are right you can buy an alarm cheaper then this that may work well.

before this groub buy was avaible i purchased an alarm off the net through a alarm retailer i picked it up for roughly 250,

the alarm came with directions but where not clear enough for me to install, i ended up paying 250 dollars to install at a local car sterio place.
they messed up, didn't install the "full" alarm and wanted more money.

i did have an alarm that worked good, and unlocked/locked my doors. but ended up paying a little more thne 500 when it was said and done (matrix rs 3.5)

my brother purchased my same alarm from tony last yeart for the groub buy,

every thing was very well put together and where it needed to be for the install, the wire lengths were correct, he wired in the turbo timer harness for the hks unit my brother already had.

he also has a very detailed installtion guide on the net that has sevral page's of pictures and note's,

also he goes through a step by step to hook up the alarm note's wire color's and trace colors. locations, j/b's and so fourth.

to me, this is a very cost effictive alarm cosidering my brother saved 150-200 over what i spent. and i thought i was saving at the time..

sure you can spend 120 on your alarm and install your self , but i like the peice of mind knowing i can be down the street and know if my door opens or the knock sensor goes off,

the remote show's a door open, hood/trunk open, or a hammer for knock/ vibration sensor,

also comes with a cool down timmer in the modle i bought , so that save's another 100 bucks. if you didn't already have one.

all in all, for the peice of mind i still feel this is a great buy.

i dont know about you, but when you have 10k invested on just the internals of your engine, let alone the 2k for stand alone, and another 4k for turbo, fuel, and hard pipes,

why risk all this on a 100 dollar alarm?

i do recomend having a starter disconnec/kill wire if your alarm goes off, even if you buy a cheap alarm,

my friend bought a cheap alarm and it had this feature, it was the only reason his truck and quad were not stolen, guy had the ignition on, and the alarm was going off, but he couldn't start it.


Turbo Swapper
Aug 9, 2007
There are several different systems to ensure that the transmission isn't in gear. My car also requires that I leave the engine running until I get out and shut the doors, however, I have a tap into the ABS speed sensor so that if there's any motion signal, the starter thinks that the hood has opened, and it shuts down the engine.


Mar 31, 2005
Spokane, Wa
Dan_Gyoba;917443 said:
I have a tap into the ABS speed sensor so that if there's any motion signal, the starter thinks that the hood has opened, and it shuts down the engine.

Holy wow that's a neat idea Dan!!!


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
That is a good idea since every remote start system I've seen has a hood interlock. Simple and elegant.

I said I'd bow out but a few final comments:

1) The CS unit is inexpensive. It's not cheap. Other than a few gee-whiz features it'll do pretty much everything this box will and do it well, including telling you what's happening when you're not there. Reliable, trustworthy, rugged, I've installed them in many cars without a single complaint. Some of them were very expensive cars.

2) It is no easier (or harder) to defeat than the Clifford.

3) $500 total for an alarm and install is insane.

All that said I don't have anything but the factory alarm on my car. That and a custom built turbo timer with car jacking prevention designed into it. The factory alarm has worked flawlessly for 20 years and with the minor changes I've made to address it's weak points I'd challenge anyone to defeat it. Sure, they can tow the car. So what? It's 21 years old. I don't even insure it.

All *that* said I completely understand where Tony is coming from. Most people are electrical idiots who would rather pay. That's a shame but it's their money. Viewed in the context of all the other crap I see them spend it on here an overkill alarm is probably one of their better "investments".


Supramania Contributor
Oct 8, 2006
Manchester NJ
Dan_Gyoba;917443 said:
There are several different systems to ensure that the transmission isn't in gear. My car also requires that I leave the engine running until I get out and shut the doors, however, I have a tap into the ABS speed sensor so that if there's any motion signal, the starter thinks that the hood has opened, and it shuts down the engine.

Yeah but a supra has to roll about 2 feet before it generates any speed pulse. Its a 4000 pulse per mile system. You could do better with a digital motion sensor, but it still only shits down after movement. I've been installing proffessionally for 18 years. I've seen it all.


New Member
Sep 17, 2007
Coastal Georgia
what would be your price for just the boxed unit. i have a dd that id like this for and am pretty sure i wouldnt be able to use your nicely made harness for anything more than a cats toy....untill i decide i need one for the supra too though lol


Supramania Contributor
Oct 8, 2006
Manchester NJ
Updated with new pics and Group buy prices. Group buy will be posted soon.

I'd like to see how many people might really be interested so if someone wants to start the list feel free.


Targa JZA70 FTW
Jan 6, 2007
Canada, BC
I would like to say first hand that I originally purchased a system in the first GB.

The install took less than an hour, including grabbing drinks, and getting the car in shop, and trying to find a voltmeter. Everything was so simple its quite hard to screw up IMO.

Just this weekend I was having some issues with the remote start than PM'd toyo. He was very quick to reply within the hour with full details on what he thought about it, and even called me on his dime to make sure I got everything figured out.

That is customer service. I would not hesitate to buy anything from this guy.

About value, around here a 1way remote start system starts at 579.99 + taxes installed, let alone 2 way with paging and everything else. Maybe it has something to do with living in a town with under 9k people but for me it was great.

The fact my HKS TT is on its way out just makes this investment that much better.

For some people it may not be worth it, but for others, it is.

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
I'm looking into an alarm this summer. From everything I've read and heard, Viper=Clifford (more or less). Both Directed companies and all.

My question is this: Is one better than the other? If so, how? And I mean EXACTLY how. I can get smokin deals on one, but not the other... ;)

BTW, that is a great looking kit you have done up there. :)


Supramania Contributor
Oct 8, 2006
Manchester NJ
suprarx7nut;983422 said:
I'm looking into an alarm this summer. From everything I've read and heard, Viper=Clifford (more or less). Both Directed companies and all.

My question is this: Is one better than the other? If so, how? And I mean EXACTLY how. I can get smokin deals on one, but not the other... ;)

BTW, that is a great looking kit you have done up there. :)

Clifford and Viper are the same company. DEI uses the two brands among others to sell product to dealers whose territories would otherwise overlap. Clifford is however marketed as their premium brand. And Cifford has a few models that are not available as Vipers, Mostly the high end alarms like the G5 series. But other than that if you are talking about the same features there is no difference in quality, just asthetics.