Yesterday i was coming home from work and was coming up to a light. I was suppose to make a right. But, saw a civic with a fart can on the back and was like, why not..So i get behind him and he was looking at me in the rear view mirror as i could tell. I was smiling, thinking to myself this guy doesn't have a clue. He hits it a bit at the light, as i did....Then he starts laying on it just at the end of the curve as we made a left hand turn. I lost my back end spinning tires to the point i had to let up a bit, because i overreved it at the same time. The fun wasn't over. He was still laying on it i popped it into second and drove passed him like he was standing still. He was just looking at the road with that look on his face, like he still had a chance. Finally at the end of second i was at least 3.5 car lengths on him. It was a newer civic to say the least. Probably had intake and exhaust and thought he had a chance. I kinda ended that theory in a hurry, it was fun.