not bhg, but having some of the symptoms,,bad turbo??


New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
i had the toyota dealership check for BHG, they did block tester or leak down test. and they said the head gasket was fine.. i did a compression check and all cylinders were 150-159. but somewhere the coolant is being lost or burnt. every time i drive the car and check radiator the coolant level goes down. also in the oil catch can and lines there is really thick nasty looking oil. its not milky, its more of a dark thick brown. i have a 60-1 ct turbo. what are the chances the oil and coolant are mixing in the turbo? i just looked and the coolant gasket on the turbo is leaking some. any ideas?


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Unhook the Turbo coolant hoses and loop the fittings to bypass it.

Drive it a few days and see if it's still going through coolant, this will confirm if it's the turbo or not.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
Check the low pressure coolant line from the radiator to the overflow tank. Check all the way to the bottom of the pickup line in the overflow tank for leaks. If this has a hole in it, it will push coolant out when it gets hot, and pull in air when it cools.


New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
so just the overflow hose? i'll try all these suggestions tomorow, thanks! im pretty sure its the turbo going bad though seeing how the coolant is mixing with the oil somehow and its not BHG.. not sure where else coolant would mix with oil.. i'v also notice my spark plugs keep fouling out. i put in new ones and they go bad fast and the car starts poping and sputtering.. then i replace them agian.. it drives fine for a day then they start poping agian... any ideas on that? also the arm on the plug is white when i pull them


New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
well jeff had these same symptoms when his turbo started going bad. well the dealership did tests, and they detected BHG last time i had it. but they said its not bhg this time. i also did compression tests myself and the compressions are fine


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
I have to admit Im not very familiar with the internal anatomy of a CT26, but is it even possible for the coolant and oil to mix inside one? Doesnt the coolant flow through a jacket in the center section housing that is completely separate from the oil passages? And even if it could mix in the center section, wouldnt that destroy the turbo in VERY short order?


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Facime;1114599 said:
I have to admit Im not very familiar with the internal anatomy of a CT26, but is it even possible for the coolant and oil to mix inside one? Doesnt the coolant flow through a jacket in the center section housing that is completely separate from the oil passages? And even if it could mix in the center section, wouldnt that destroy the turbo in VERY short order?

Center section would have to be cracked.

Do what IJ tells you and check that, but I'm guessing it's a coolant leak somewhere. Fouling plugs is easy if the coolant plugs down in the plug wells leak...


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
San Antonio, Tx.
Your question was if your turbo was causing low coolant issue. Your first response to your question was the correct way to check for it. I'll post it again for you. Look below.

IJ.;1114110 said:
Unhook the Turbo coolant hoses and loop the fittings to bypass it.

Drive it a few days and see if it's still going through coolant, this will confirm if it's the turbo or not.


boost'en down 101
Oct 27, 2007
humboldt, ca
i highly doubt its your turbo. the chances that it got cracked just enought to mix a small amout of coolent are slim in my eyes. there is much more of a chance that you have a bhg. the way you discribed the oil in you catch can there is definatly water in there.

dealership is a waste of time. all they want to do is knock out the job as fast as possible then move to the next. that is the only way they make good money. i have friends that work at a couple dealerships.

oh and if your hg blew between the just the water jacket and oil passage it can still have good compression. i would get a coolent leak down tester. all you do is put it in place of you radiator cap. pump it up to 13psi and let it sit for about 5-10 min. if you have a quality tester and you system is completely sealed it shouldn't drop any pressure. AT ALL. much easy than the other tests sugested. and it will test them all at once. it does cost more, but its a good tool to just have around.

that is what i would do.


boost'en down 101
Oct 27, 2007
humboldt, ca
but somewhere the coolant is being lost or burnt. every time i drive the car and check radiator the coolant level goes down.

reading comprehension..........:rofl:

it was even in the first post.

yeah. great they tested the cylinders with a leak down test. that isn't going to show shit if it blew between the waterjacket and oil passege.

and jdub. i thought you knew a coolent leak down test pressures the WHOLE system and has a psi gauge on it so you can see if coolent is REALLY going some where. even if it has a cunt hair leak it will show. i have take a ac/heating class along with a bunch of others.


New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
they said they did a pressure test on the coolant system also and they said it held the pressure. also this dealership isnt a jip job. they've done work for me for free before. the guy i go to there is very nice and loves to work on my supra.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
suprafanatic;1114107 said:
but somewhere the coolant is being lost or burnt. every time i drive the car and check radiator the coolant level goes down.

suprafanatic;1115037 said:
they said they did a pressure test on the coolant system also and they said it held the pressure.

These two statements would indicate the dealership is mistaken. You cant be both holding pressure, and losing coolant regularly. Do you understand the concept of a closed system? They need to check it again.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
There is a natural progression for diagnosing a problem.

Using the process of elimination you can usually arrive at a correct answer where you're NOT relying on 30 differing opinions from a bunch of guys on the internet that may or may NOT know what they're talking about.

You posted a specific question I gave you a sure fire procedure to answer your question, you chose to ignore that and instead of looping 1 hose you're now fixated on coolant in the spark plugs.... WTF :nono:

It's no wonder a lot of you can't keep your cars running and also no wonder why so many of the old school guys refuse to help.


boost'en down 101
Oct 27, 2007
humboldt, ca
well.............i just went outside and looked at one of my spare intake manifolds and the throttle body and the coldstart injector. there is no way coolent will get in through the throttle body or the coldstart injector unless it's cracked. the gasket doesn't seal water anywhere. one thing i did notice was that there is a small water passage from the head through intake mani. to a hose to supply the tb and cs injector. its located toward the front of the manifold inbetween runner 1 and 2. that is the only spot i saw that could be your problem. but i don't see it fouling up the plugs evenly. if the fouling was more so by there it could be it. worst case would be the head is cracked between a water jacket and oil passage. :cry:

yet...............................IJ knows wtf he is talking about. no doubt in my mind. so just DO what he says. then get back to us.