Power is what we all want in our cars. Since i was a little kid it's been speed that's the definison of a cool car.
Well time has gone bye and i bought my self a supra.
2 years down the road i have changed the clutch and flywheel and put on a blitz nur spec exhaust and a mr hks knock of downpipe.
One day out driving i noticed that my car was blowing coolant into the overflow bottle, i could even feel it puffing in there.
There is only on solution to this, pull the head and find out, so that's what im going to do.
Before we start
After som hours
Bye the looks of it there has been a mechanic i the engine bay before, because the cam gears and the tps has pen marks on them :icon_conf
Well time has gone bye and i bought my self a supra.
2 years down the road i have changed the clutch and flywheel and put on a blitz nur spec exhaust and a mr hks knock of downpipe.
One day out driving i noticed that my car was blowing coolant into the overflow bottle, i could even feel it puffing in there.
There is only on solution to this, pull the head and find out, so that's what im going to do.
Before we start
After som hours
Bye the looks of it there has been a mechanic i the engine bay before, because the cam gears and the tps has pen marks on them :icon_conf