August 1st, 2010
Breast Cancer Event @ Fremont Scion / Toyota
5851 Cushing Parkway
Fremont, CA 94538
Roll in: 10am
Show 11am – 4pm
This event will be in Honor of Fremont's Scion Manager Rommell's Mom who passed away from Breast Cancer
15 dollar Car Registration (all proceeds are going to Avon Walk for Breast Cancer)
Trophies and Raffles
Also if you are a Family member or a Friend of a Breast Cancer Survivor
or you know someone who has passed from Breast Cancer…please bring a
picture and post to our Breast Cancer Board that will be posted at the
Fremont Scion / Toyota
Any quesion please email too: norcalscions@gmail.com
Yes i know its a NorCal Scion Event. But they are also inviting Toyota Owners as well to come and Support.
Unfortunately from what im told, they Fremont Toyota / Scion Dealer does not want any Lexus for show. i guess cause theres a Lexus Dealer elsewhere. *shrugs
I myself only know the information given here,
please email Norcalscions@gmail.com