Nopi in st louis on 6/3-6/4

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New Member
Mar 31, 2005
i think that you should just let it go! I seen it up a nopi, and just glanced at it because of the fact that was clean. the color is what turned me off of it. its cool that you convered it to RHD(cleanly) but i agree with JmcBoost whats the point unlees your delivering mail.

sorry thats just my opion take it or leave it. i'm intitled to it.


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
Well we all know I am the worlds biggest azzhole, lol. Jesse and I liked it minus the pink paint, pink flames, and pink leather. I would have rather gone with HKS GT38 twins or maybe a large SP single but if it works cool. Anyways I was mainly pissed at how rude and immature the reaction over a small mistake in details was, if everyone were like jesse the world would be a lot better place, and a lot more fun :)


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Wills7MGTE said:
Well we all know I am the worlds biggest azzhole, lol. Jesse and I liked it minus the pink paint, pink flames, and pink leather. I would have rather gone with HKS GT38 twins or maybe a large SP single but if it works cool. Anyways I was mainly pissed at how rude and immature the reaction over a small mistake in details was, if everyone were like jesse the world would be a lot better place, and a lot more fun :)

the guy just needs to be a little more considerit about the whole thing its not like we all own pos honda.


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Wills7MGTE said:
LOL yea I know man those Honduh Veeteks are fast as hell, if you happen to drive a '67 Fiat 500R.

'67 Fiat 500R, yeah, but you have to spend $300,000 to make them fast

i ment the honda thing as he shouldn't be hating on his own kind


New Member
Jun 5, 2005
Chesterfield, MO
Wills7MGTE said:
Drive down here if ya wanna race, I'll even sit at the line no sense boosting and using fuel when its obvious your gonna beat me, YOU SPENT ENOUGH FOR GOD SAKEs, I'll give ya my cell call me when ya get here and you can whip my azz in front of everyone then be like hey wow I beat a 7MGTE Auto at 10psi with a built 1jz, WOW YOUR COOL

You never listed your cell


Rock'n Death with Spikes
Apr 5, 2005
Wills7MGTE said:
LOL yea I know man those Honduh Veeteks are fast as hell, if you happen to drive a '67 Fiat 500R.

Fiat 500R only made from '72-'75...(I've actually WORKED on them!)
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( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
LOL yea let me just post my social security number, cell number, full name, etc on here, because that is the smart thing to do. If you are really that hard up to prove something and do come down here, IM me or email me and I'll gladly give it to you, but with as many people that use this forum I don't want 5,000 people calling me. To be honest with ya I really have no desire to have you calling me but you'd need to if and when you do come down here, FYI rednecks make fun of pink cars to even if they are fast so be prepared to have other people not like the paint.

Oh and congrats to boost victim who just got his new 90 turbo in charcoal.


New Member
Jun 5, 2005
Chesterfield, MO
Wills7MGTE said:
LOL yea let me just post my social security number, cell number, full name, etc on here, because that is the smart thing to do. If you are really that hard up to prove something and do come down here, IM me or email me and I'll gladly give it to you, but with as many people that use this forum I don't want 5,000 people calling me. To be honest with ya I really have no desire to have you calling me but you'd need to if and when you do come down here, FYI rednecks make fun of pink cars to even if they are fast so be prepared to have other people not like the paint.

Oh and congrats to boost victim who just got his new 90 turbo in charcoal.
You still don't get it. i don't care if you like the paint or not. Spreading b.s. on the web is just stupid. BTW, you are so worried about pm'ing me your number, but you have your plate number plastered all over myspace? Makes sense to me. FWIW Those "hicks" down there respect the hell out of me. i grew up streetracing in that area, and most of them were for money. People with "oxblood" interior, banners across their windshield, and wheel gap from hell should not throw stones at other peoples cars man. When you can build something, look me up


Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
Welcome to the internet buddy.
Don't threaten someone when the most your gonna do is get all bent out of shape behind your computer screen.


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
Hey queer bait, nobody down here races for money the few who did have quit or moved out, Wow I have a liscene plate all over msyapce, whoopie I also have firearms and a legal right to snuff anyone breaking into my dwelling, JUST GET OVER YOURSELF, yea I have a red interior, wow and I have a trd banner big fucking whoop and I have fender gap because I can't just go out and buy fucking coil overs right this fucking minute cocksucker. So you go play fast and furious with your pepto bismel powered car and have a great LIFE, and I wasn't spreading BS I made a mistake and I admitted it and even posted several times, so you can go ahead and be pissed like a lil girl and take a nice big glass of SHUT THE FUCK UP because I am sick off your bull shit, I'm seriosuly considering buying that c5 and saying to hell with supra's because people like you are rampant in today's society.


New Member
Jun 5, 2005
Chesterfield, MO
MassSupra89 said:
Welcome to the internet buddy.
Don't threaten someone when the most your gonna do is get all bent out of shape behind your computer screen.
I never threatened anyone, perhaps you should learn to read better.
Hey queer bait, nobody down here races for money the few who did have quit or moved out, Wow I have a liscene plate all over msyapce, whoopie I also have firearms and a legal right to snuff anyone breaking into my dwelling, JUST GET OVER YOURSELF, yea I have a red interior, wow and I have a trd banner big fucking whoop and I have fender gap because I can't just go out and buy fucking coil overs right this fucking minute cocksucker. So you go play fast and furious with your pepto bismel powered car and have a great LIFE, and I wasn't spreading BS I made a mistake and I admitted it and even posted several times, so you can go ahead and be pissed like a lil girl and take a nice big glass of SHUT THE FUCK UP because I am sick off your bull shit, I'm seriosuly considering buying that c5 and saying to hell with supra's because people like you are rampant in today's society.
I don't you more than once that I do not own the car, but you still don't understand. C5? If you cannot handle coilovers, and insulin, you won't even be able to handle the insurance on that car. Keep yapping your gums pal.


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
First of all, this thread should've been locked a LONG time ago... Not only has it degenerated into a flame fest but its so far off topic I cant see it with a binoculars anymore... Wasnt this about a NOPI event?

MightyAl, knock it off... Will has a right to feel any way he wants about your FRIEND's car... If he made an improper assumtion about the mods or whatever, you have the right to correct him in his assumtion, however, ass soon as he apollogized for his error in description, it should've been dropped... From what I see, it seems like you're egging for a confrontation from Will, and that wont be tolerated... If Will apollogizes and asks you to let it go, by all means, let it go... There is no need to keep draggin this out looking for the response you hope he'll give... If your FRIEND feels she needs to get on here and defend her car, then by all means, let her...

And Will, stop calling him a queer... *smack*


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
i think we're done here. thread locked.

MightyAl- if you feel the need to instigate more internet fights, which it looks like you're really good at doing, you can take it elsewhere. you cannot blame someone for thinking a RHD supra is imported, and you should know that in all of your infinite wisdom. if i catch you starting trouble like this again, you're not going to be permitted to enter this site again. it's time to grow up and wear big kid's clothes.

so tone it down. consider this a public warning.

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