No RPM, No Oil Pressure. No headlights?


It's broken...
Aug 6, 2008
Beach Park, IL
Was just in there, M1 is plugged in. It's a smaller 10 pin plug. (Pic 1 below: yellow with gray plugged in)

The fat (tall/wide) 10 pin plug has 5 pins. 1=black, 2=yellow, 4=white w/ red, 5=yellow, 10=white w/ green. I might have gotten 4 and 10 mixed up though. But colors are correct.

The white plugs are all on the body side it looks like.

More pics:







---------- Post added at 11:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:20 AM ----------

What are the pins for M1 supposed to be on the body side?


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
Ok some thing is a little strange.
Edit: This are the 4 connectors you should have ended up with.

The gray plug is a b3 connector
yellow - for abs
black - for abs
red/black- for abs

White/green - is for pps which early models dont ahve so that one doesnt get used.
white/red - same as above.

There should be another connector up there somewhere with the black/yellow/red-black unless you dont have abs which you wont have it.

The white plug looks to be a b2 connector.

Im uploading some pics and ill write down what connectors should be there and where the pics should be.

---------- Post added at 01:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:22 PM ----------

M1 yellow plug
1. Signal backup light switch --------------------------------------------- Red \ Black
2. Positive for backup light switch Plus for Heater water valve VSV --------------- YELLOW
3. Speedometer signal from ECU to combination meter ------------------------- PINK
4. Ignition signal to tech, from check connector to igniter------------------------ BLACK
5. Turbo indicator light signal for combination meter, also A1 plug----------------- Red \Green
6. ECU ground and Water temp gauge mass signal ------------------------ ---- BROWN
7. From pressure switch for oil gauge, also from ECU---------------------------- Yellow \ Black
8. W signal for warning light on dash ---------------------------------------- Grey \ Green
9. water temp sensor for combo meter Yellow –------------------------------- GREEN
10. From defogger relay also goes to plug A1 - ----------------------------- PURPLE

M1 gray plug
1. Signal backup light switch --------------------------------------------- Red \ Black
2. Positive for backup light switch Plus for Heater water valve VSV --------------- YELLOW
3. Speedometer signal from ECU to combination meter ------------------------- PINK
4. Ignition signal to tech, from check connector to igniter------------------------ BLACK
5. N/C
6. ECU ground and Water temp gauge mass signal ------------------------ ---- BROWN
7. From pressure switch for oil gauge, also from ECU---------------------------- Yellow \ Black
8. N/C
9. W signal for warning light on dash ---------------------------------------- Grey \ Green
10. water temp sensor for combo meter Yellow –------------------------------- GREEN
11. From defogger relay also goes to plug A1 - ----------------------------- PURPLE

For the M1 plug all the wires are the same and just match up

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Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
B1 yellow plug White connector
1. Heater Water VSV------------------------------------------------ Black \ Yellow
2. L3 to ECU used for AUTO, not used------------------------------------- Red \ White
3. L2 to ECU used for AUTO, not used-------------------------------------- RED
4. L1 TO ECU used for AUTO, not used------------------------------------- BLACK
5. Check Connector for Fuel pump---------------------------------------- Black \ Red
6. Circuit opening relay coil---------------------------------------------- GREEN
7. Goes to Start Solenoid------------------------------------------------- Black \ Blue
8. Fuel Pump Relay on ECU---------------------------------------------- YELLOW
9. Switched 12v For EFI From Fuse box- also +B check connector-------------- Black \ Red Medium
10. NSW TO ECU --------------------------------------------------------Black \ Yellow
11. Ignition switch to ECU----------------------------------------------- Black \ Orange
12. +12v for igniter and fuel injectors etc, also resistor in engine bay ------------BIG Black \ Orange
13. A/C Magnate switch TO ECU------------------------------------------- Blue \ Red
14. TEMS Check Singal------------------------------------------------- Purple
15. Theft deterrent horn plug on harness -----------------------------------Yellow \ Blue
16. From headlight relay for Idle up, also comes to plug A1 -------------------–Red \ Yellow
17. TO ECU injector 1 and 4 ----------------------------------------------White \ Blue
18. SPD signal for ECT SPD signal for ECT ----------------------------------Red \ Green
19. Power Ground, also can be check at Check Connector---------------------- Brown

B1 gray plug
1. Heater Water VSV------------------------------------------------ Black \ Yellow
2. N/C
3. Check Connector for Fuel pump---------------------------------------- Black \ Red - pin 5 on yellow b1
4. Circuit opening relay coil---------------------------------------------- GREEN - pin 6 on yellow b1
5. Goes to Start Solenoid------------------------------------------------- Black \ Blue - pin 7 on yellow b1
6. Fuel Pump Relay on ECU---------------------------------------------- YELLOW - pin on yellow b1
7. Switched 12v For EFI From Fuse box- also +B check connector-------------- Black \ Red - pin9 on yb1
8. NSW TO ECU --------------------------------------------------------Black \ Yellow - pin10 on Yb1(might n/c)
9. Ignition switch to ECU----------------------------------------------- Black \ Orange - pin 11 on Yb1
10. n/c
11.. A/C Magnate switch TO ECU------------------------------------------- Blue \ Red - pin13 on Y b1
12. Theft deterrent horn plug on harness -----------------------------------Yellow \ Blue - pin15 on Y b1
13. A/C water temp switch ------------ Green \ Red - pin 2 on yellow b4(3 wire plug with only 2 wires)
14. +12v for igniter and fuel injectors etc, also resistor in engine bay---BIG Black \ Orange- pin12 on Yb1
15. SPD signal for cruise control ------- Red/green - goes to Yellow b2 pin 2
SPD signal for ECT

---------- Post added at 02:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:52 PM ----------

B2 yellow plug
1. ABS plug on harness to transmission ----------------- YELLOW
2. ABS plug on harness to transmission --------------------- BLACK
3. ABS plug on harness to transmission-------------------- Red \ Black

If you dont have abs you dont have to worry about these.

B3 gray gets wired with B2 yellow.
1. ABS plug on harness to transmission --------------------- BLACK
2. ABS plug on harness to transmission-------------------- Red \ Black
4. PPS solenoid-------------------------White/Red - does not get used on pre89

5. ABS plug on harness to transmission ----------------- YELLOW
10. PPS soleniod----------------White/Green does not get used on pre89

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Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
B2 white plug on 89+ gray plug harness.

Its a 23 pin connector and the 1 i have only has 8 wires on it.
1. Airbag signal check connector-----Brown and does not get used as there is no air bag on pre cars.
2. Oil level light signal (mostly European cars only!).----- yellow - again not used
4. From headlight relay ---------- Red/ yellow - goes to b1 yellow pin 16/19 just match the color(its only 1 wire not 2 but between the sites someone screwed up counting pins.)
6. TEMS check signal ------- violet - goes to b1 yellow pin 14, just match the color again.
11. n/c its for air bag doesnt get used.
17. L3 signal ECT/ECU ---------- Red/white - goes to B1 yellow pin 2, match color.
18. L2 signal ECT/ECU ---------- Red - goes to B1 yellow pin 3, match color
19. L1 signal ECT/ECU ---------- Black - goes to B1 yellow pin 4

I think 17,18, and 19 are for ect/tems but i tried to hook up everything even if it wasnt going to be used just to make sure i had no problems.



---------- Post added at 02:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:21 PM ----------

For this guy:

I think i only connected this.

13. A/C water temp switch ------------ Green \ Red - pin 2 on yellow b4(3 wire plug with only 2 wires)

I hope that helps lmk if you need anything else.

Everything i posted is everything i connected i believe and i will be starting the car tomarow to know how i did with it.


It's broken...
Aug 6, 2008
Beach Park, IL
white plug B2, 89+ harness, pin 4: for headlight relay

Would this cause my headlights to not turn on? They flip up and down, just no lights.
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It's broken...
Aug 6, 2008
Beach Park, IL
Just contacted the previous owner of the harness. Apparently the oil pressure and water temp gauges never worked with the harness...

---------- Post added at 06:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:18 PM ----------

My white B2 connector looks to have all pins full on the body side...


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
Moy;1565460 said:
white plug B2, 89+ harness, pin 4: for headlight relay

Would this cause my headlights to not turn on? They flip up and down, just no lights.

Why yes it would. If you look at that link you can see the relay and the red/yellow wire is for the coil to switch the relay so the head lights willget power.

---------- Post added at 04:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:26 PM ----------

Moy;1565477 said:
Just contacted the previous owner of the harness. Apparently the oil pressure and water temp gauges never worked with the harness...

---------- Post added at 06:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:18 PM ----------

My white B2 connector looks to have all pins full on the body side...

Ill look into the gauge problem in a sec.

Are you auto or manual? Most of those wires in your white b2 are for the auto if i am correct as my new 88, 89 in my car, friends 90, and my hacked 87 harness were all 5 speed and did not have those wires.

---------- Post added at 04:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:29 PM ----------

The oil pressure and water temp gauge circuits are fairly simple.

If you look on that link you will see that ts a single wire from the gauge to the sensor.

So your trouble area's are in order from most likely to least.
1. The wiring. - pretty likely as there is a lot of heat where these wires are.
2. The sensors them selves. Make sure you dont have a jdm oil pressure sensor as it will fry your gauge quick.
3. The gauges.(doubt since you just got this problem and was like that on the previous guys car)


It's broken...
Aug 6, 2008
Beach Park, IL
The gauges I have tried both clusters (n/a and turbo).

My car was previous auto, it is currently manual.

The engine was pulled from a car, running, at Sound Performance. The engine was owned by an older gentleman, and it had all maintenance work done at Toyota.

The wiring harness is low mileage (less than 10k miles).

My headlights worked before the swap, as did all gauges. I may have to repin the M1 connector


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
Ya double check the M1 plug as that has both the water temp and oil pressure wires in it.

Edit: they really didnt do a good job on the wiring as he still left you with a 89+ plug when you needed all pre89 plugs. Took me a while to figure that one out.


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
The oil pressure wire is in the m1 connector which i think you have connected. Its a yellow with black strip from the sensor to the gauge so it needs to match all the wya.

Can you take a pic of the wires on both sides of the yellow plug that is connected to the gray plug. From the pics it doesnt look like the wires match up.
It also looks like your missing a connector somewhere.

Most of the wires are the same color and just need to be cut and soldered. But from the pics it almost looks like there not in the right place.


It's broken...
Aug 6, 2008
Beach Park, IL
M1, pin 9 should be green, but mine is yellow/green

In the above link, connector B1. The space under pin 9 is filled with a teal/red wire. Pin 11 should be black/orange, I have gray. Pin 16 should be red/yellow, I have yellow/blue.
Pin 19 should be brown, I have red/yellow.

I do not have a B2 white plug on this harness (such as shown above)

I am looking at the harness (turbo auto) that came with this engine, and it has all of the necessary connectors

---------- Post added at 08:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:52 PM ----------

On both harnesses, Pin 9 on connector M1 are yellow with green stripe


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
Moy;1565585 said:
M1, pin 9 should be green, but mine is yellow/green

In the above link, connector B1. The space under pin 9 is filled with a teal/red wire. Pin 11 should be black/orange, I have gray. Pin 16 should be red/yellow, I have yellow/blue.
Pin 19 should be brown, I have red/yellow.

I do not have a B2 white plug on this harness (such as shown above)

I am looking at the harness (turbo auto) that came with this engine, and it has all of the necessary connectors

---------- Post added at 08:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:52 PM ----------

On both harnesses, Pin 9 on connector M1 are yellow with green stripe

M1 yellow plug pin 9 is yellow with green strip and same with 89+ got both in my hands.

For the last part, and sorry about this, are you going off the 92teal site? Because they have different pin numbers for some stupid reason.

I do know your either missing a plug or they wired in the wrong plug, or one is stuck in the tunnel where the wirng harness comes threw.


It's broken...
Aug 6, 2008
Beach Park, IL
I pulled the harness through the firewall, and I am definitely missing a plug. Which would be the white B2 plug with 6_2_6 (number pins) configuration. On my turbo auto harness, I have:

1= white/black
2= red/green
3= green/yellow
4= n/a
5= white
6= teal/red
7= blue
8= green/black
9= red/black
10= red/blue
11= n/a
12= n/a
13= yellow/blue
14= yellow/black


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
Can you take some pics of the yellow connector that is plugged into the gray connector.

Most of the wire colors will match up so make sure there matching up if there not there wrong.


It's broken...
Aug 6, 2008
Beach Park, IL
This is from the turbo/auto harness. M1 is the same between auto and manual.




B2 (matches up to yellow plug):




Yellow plug M1 (body side):



B2 (yellow plug, body side):



---------- Post added at 09:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:44 PM ----------

Tore off the electrical tape to try to find where the P/O cut out the other plug, and find this:




Is this normal (from factory)? The taping and what not I'm talking about, having wires loop back on themselves?


It's broken...
Aug 6, 2008
Beach Park, IL
Argh. This car will be the end of me.

Between the body and engine harnesses, all of the M1 plugs line up, except for body pin 2 and 10, and engine pin 3 and 5.
2= yellow/red (body)
3= pink

10= red/green (body)
5= n/a

I compared connector B2 between the body and turbo auto harness I have. Here are pin numbers and wire colors:
1= red/yellow
2= black
3= yellow
4= green/yellow
5= red/green
6= green
7= blue
8= yellow/black
9= red/blue
10= red
11= blue/yellow
12= red/blue
13= yellow/blue
14= yellow/black

1= black/white
2= red/green
3= green/yellow
4= n/a
5= white
6= teal/red
7= blue
8= green/black
9= red/black
10= red/blue
11= n/a
12= n/a
13= yellow/blue
14= yellow black

Engine connector B2 has not been repinned. With 3 pins missing, I'm not sure how that will affect everything...

There is no red/yellow (headlight) pin on engine B2. Did wire colors change for 91-92? I'm starting to think that is what year the harness/engine are...


It's broken...
Aug 6, 2008
Beach Park, IL
I have a spare harness, the turbo auto harness that came with the engine (gray plug). I'll just repin the plugs to work with the 88 body, and figure out a way to have reverse lights. Hopefully the headlights will work as well...

I'll probably end up sending my current (fubar'd) harness and the 88 n/a auto harness out to Dr Tweak at Phoenix Tuning to have it grafted

Edit: I bought a used harness instead
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It's broken...
Aug 6, 2008
Beach Park, IL
Well my problem persists.

I installed a yellow plug GTE harness, and I am STILL having the same problems.

I have no idea what it could be. I am soooo pissed off right now.

Headlights don't illuminate.

Water temperature doesn't read.

Oil pressure doesn't read.

Tachometer doesn't read.

I am using a turbo cluster from an 87-88 model car.

Please someone help me figure out these issues. There have been a few times I have seriously considered selling it because of these problems :(