No Cruise Control after AEM install?


Doin' the Best I Can.....
Mar 23, 2009
Northern Ohio
The cruise indicator does come on, but i can not set my current speed or maintain that speed. It seems this happened after a AEM ECU install.

Does Cruise have it's own ECU? Does it rely on the Engine ECU? Did i mis a connector under the dash somewhere?

Any help is appreciated. - Mike


Turbo Swapper
Aug 9, 2007
The cruise gets it's signal from the speedo cable, but there are several things which can prevent it being set. I've got a bypass on my clutch start switch but it's a completely different switch. (Start switch is at full pedal depression, cruise switch is at the top of the pedal travel.) That way hitting the clutch at all turns off cruise, even if it's not far enough to allow the starter to engage.

I know that the cruise ECU will refuse to set at less than 40km/h and will lose its resume setting below that speed as well. It will also refuse to set if the e-brake light is on, whether that's from the e-brake being set, or from low brake fluid in the master. There's a separate wire from the cluster to the cruise ECU for this.

Also, the cruise will disengage if it can't maintain speed. I'm not absolutely certain if this is triggered by the speed sensor, or by the throttle position. While my car was still NA, I've had it disengage going uphill on "resume" while still accelerating, so it acts like it may be based on throttle position. I've never had the cruise disengage on me after I swapped in the turbo engine, even when it can't maintain speed on long uphill segments (Because going into boost backs off the throttle) which seems to corroborate the idea.


The quiet one
Oct 29, 2005
They are indeed correct, the cruise does not rely on the factory ECU to function (I have multiple cars running aftermarket ECU's and cruise works fine). My 92 however cruise does not work, now I need to go check my 92T wiring diagram as I thought it used both clutch switches.
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Doin' the Best I Can.....
Mar 23, 2009
Northern Ohio
thanks for the replies - i went thru the wiring diagrams and noted much of this info, still well put

the car is an 88 - guess i will do some more looking around - possibly the vacuum part of the cruise is bad or not working...