No.1 Cylinder Issues....need help/advice


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
When checking the clearances the opposite side of the lobe is against the shim right?

If so see what the actual clearance is. Then write down the amount you need to be in spec is. And when you remove te shim measure ot and subtract the amount you wrote down. Makes it easy.

Also if you got a junkyard near by there is a number of engines and cars that use the same shims. Should be easy and cheap to find the right shim.

Also new shims are like 10$ each iirc. Maybe 5.


New Member
Aug 16, 2009
San Antonio
Yessir...i had the lobe pointing up...180° to the shim. I checked clearance on No.2 and No.3 and those check out ok. I will verify everything when i get back home Monday and adjust shims as needed. I have some shims from an old 7M head so i do have a starting point. Also i used shims from Goodson before so if i dont have the size needed i'll just order what i need. Hopefully Monday i'll chime in with some good news. Btw guys thanks for helping an older noob.


New Member
Aug 16, 2009
San Antonio
Well.....Monday has come. So a friend of mine came over to verify the valve clearances and they seem ti be within specs. Some a little tighter than others. So we spent the rest of the day tearing the head down....which i didnt want to do. Right before we started to unloosen the head bolts we decided a leak down test would be nice to do. So now we go and try and track down a compressor and leak down tester. Well by this time I'm really not feelin working on the car due to the fabled hg or compression issues. So I decided that since i only have one day off was to relax. I get a 4 day weekend this week and i'll hit it hard then and hopefully have a solution. Sorry no more updates.....but its certain the head is coming off.


New Member
Aug 16, 2009
San Antonio
Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I tried really hard to not think of a head gasket issue or bottom end. Well....leakdown test has confirmed a bottom end issue. The leakdown was reading 50-60% leakage and i hear air from the crankcase ventilation hose. I then check the dipstick and hear air from there. I sad!!! This sucks! I want to chunk this car outta my garage. But im gonna stick it out and just take my time this time. Also on a side note. The short block was put together at a shop. The crank bolt was really loose when i was turning the engine to get the piston to TDC. What are some issues with a loose crank bolt?


New Member
Aug 16, 2009
San Antonio
Ok ii finally got some time to work on the car. I pulled the head and really didn't like or understand what i saw. I have a 2mm metal head gasket with ARP studs. When i pulled the head off i was greeted with a thick oily film on the gasket.


Afrer pulling gasket off this is what it looked like.



So it looks as if it is a HG issue right. Can a head gasket issue make it seem as if it's a bottom end issue when performing a leak down test? I'm at the point of giving up on this car but I'm realizing that some of this stuff isn't the cars fault but mostly the impatient owner. Is it still a good idea to take it to a machine shop and have them look at it? Also this is what i found in the oil pan. Does this say milkshake?

