Nick Hogan involved in serious car accident

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7M Powered
Aug 15, 2006
Gainesville, FL
9DMK3T said:
Just because alot of people do it does not justify it. Poor choices are poor choices.

None the less, I wish him and the passenger the best.

I'm not saying that, but for someone to be so cold hearted to joke around with someone's life is very disrespectful and not a qualify of a good Supramania member.


Hardcore Lurker
Jan 6, 2007
Norman, Oklahoma
Geez, that really looks bad. I hope everyone makes it out okay. Especially the passenger. We know that driving that fast on the streets is VERY dangerous. Not only for anyone in the car but everyone around.

People take very stupid risks behind the wheel of a high HP car, especially stupid people. I'm not saying Nick Hogan is stupid, but his actions most certainly ARE. I admit that, on occasion, I do the exact same thing.

Regardless, bashing him isn't going to do anything. I'm sure that, even with his "celebrity" status, he will be punished by the law. No doubt. Also, and I believe that Aaron said this, it does not bode well for the drifting community. Nick is involved in drifting, and that's probably what he was doing. Drifting on the streets is very stupid and very dangerous.

At any rate, I hope they both get well soon.

Big Wang Bandit

You Can't Quit Me Baby
Feb 21, 2006
San Ramon, CA - 925!
My dad was hit once in his VW rabbit... by a Ford LTD. 23 years ago. 1 month or so coma, broken spine in 3 places, all of his ribs were broken, some open heart surgeries.

Permanently in a wheelchair now. And it was all his dumbass fault for skidding thru the stop sign.

Drive safe people, the one time you slip up could be the last time.


7M Powered
Aug 15, 2006
Gainesville, FL
UPDATE: (from SF) Alocohol doesn NOT APPEAR to be a factor in this crash, and no one can say he was doing anything stupid until a full report comes out, speeding is not stupid with proper training and increased driver skill the risk is lowered, please don't mention anything about a driving stupid or doing stupid shit till we get full details thank you.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
7Mboost said:
UPDATE: (from SF) Alocohol doesn NOT APPEAR to be a factor in this crash, and no one can say he was doing anything stupid until a full report comes out, speeding is not stupid with proper training and increased driver skill the risk is lowered, please don't mention anything about a driving stupid or doing stupid shit till we get full details thank you.
Blind defence is just as bad as it's going to invoke strong reactions as we all know it's 99.9% certain that DIDN'T happen at the speed limit......

SHIT HAPPENS there aren't too many people here that can say they've never given it a squirt above the posted limit and it's a risk you take.... sometimes it catches up to you and this time it caught Nick.


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
i hate to see another supra down (even if it is a overpriced/ugly MKIV).
i wish the best to him and his passenger. judging from the pictures, looks like he lost control, spun and smashed into a bunch of shit in the back. if the targa was on, looks like it would have come out better.


Aug 28, 2006
Baton Rouge LA
No matter what if he was just grandma driving or doing 170 on a dirt road he is still a living breathing person ..... even closer to home for us he is a supra owner.I hope him and his buddy are ok.


86.5 1JZ Single Turbo
Apr 21, 2005
Arlington, TX
just saw the pics on a local board. that is one hell of a horrible wreck. my prayers go out to him and his passenger. hopefully they come through alright


7M Powered
Aug 15, 2006
Gainesville, FL
IJ. said:
Blind defence is just as bad as it's going to invoke strong reactions as we all know it's 99.9% certain that DIDN'T happen at the speed limit......

SHIT HAPPENS there aren't too many people here that can say they've never given it a squirt above the posted limit and it's a risk you take.... sometimes it catches up to you and this time it caught Nick.

I agree.


T-virus infected
Thats very sad to hear... Hope they recover well! Hopefully Terry will need to take the keys to all of the high hp cars they have and does more to get his son to respect the power these sports cars are making. I'm willing to bet his drifto liscense may get revolked if he was infact drifting in the streets.

Heck I've seen some major looking wrecks that has happened at less then 35 mph and if he had the targa off and wasn't speeding all that fast atleast under 100 I can see why the car crumbled up so bad. Hopefully They keep the front clip and put it into another supra... That was Terry's as well
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