I have a completely different approach for you. First find out if its stolen, if it is, then print out the craigslist ad, and a copy of the towing bill. Then call the local police and tell them that you recovered stolen property and want to turn it in. The police will come take possesion of it and record you as the recovering party. If the rightful owner can not be found you may have a claim to the car as you recieved it in good faith and for the consideration of the towing costs.
If its NOT stolen, keep the car (if you have space) and start searching for a nice shell or cheap BHG builder. Using the shell as your vin and title vehicle combine the two to make one complete car. A complete underhood and various other parts can make a shell ressurection go pretty smoothly.
If its NOT stolen, keep the car (if you have space) and start searching for a nice shell or cheap BHG builder. Using the shell as your vin and title vehicle combine the two to make one complete car. A complete underhood and various other parts can make a shell ressurection go pretty smoothly.