New Stove?


Mar 31, 2005
Spokane, Wa
Need a new stove. I want one that has the flat surface, without the elements exposed... know what I'm tlaking about?

Everything was going well until I heard from my parents that they kinda suck, and after a few years you can see the coil really badly through the surface... anyone have any input on this subject?


Supramania Contributor
Mar 14, 2006
Oshawa, ON, CA
Whatever you do...don't buy LG. Their customer service and warranties are shit. Repairs are expensive and tend to happen more frequently than other brands.

When looking for new appliances...go to big stores like the Brick etc. and look at the name brands and deciede what you like. Then go to Sears and buy the same appliance with the Kenmore name on it. Its the same product but much cheaper. can get extended warraties. Appliances (especially ones with electronic boards) should have an extended warranty. If that board ever fails your looking at hundreds and hundreds of dollars.

The trick to the glass top stoves is to be VERY careful around them. If you aren't anal about having a spotless stove at all times...the glass top isn't for you. You need to use special cleaners and make sure they are kept clean at all times. With that said...I would buy one. They look way better than electric elements.