Loki said:
I think the older one looks better, and there is nothing wrong with having a simple sig, you don't have to have all kinds of crazy effects to have a good looking sig :dunno:
Somebody that thinks like me!! yay!
Just made my final sig that I'll use. If i had the fuel spelt correctly Loki I wouldn't have even bothered trying to change, but replicating the original to fix the error, thought i'll make another.
I've now gone from this (because of spelling error):
to... (would have been smaller for forum use)
Oh and when I said in a previous post about wanting it simple, and not busy... by that I mean not overdone... like when i see riced up cars with 50million boost gauges how can you possibly feel comfortable and just take it ezy? in a car like that... will feel uneven.. as it to me would feel 'too busy'... I use that same point for images.. about not being too busy.. for liking them along the simpler lines of things.