New Job!!!!


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
Well as you know it's been a wierd week, my grandfather died earlier this week, my little brother turned 9 today and today was a great day in my life actually.

As you may know I graduated the police academy in November with my 640 hour Class A certification, well I finally got a job, not just one but two! I got a full time position with a small town 20 minutes south of where I live working 12 hour shifts, 2 on 2 off 3 on 3 off which is great, I will be sworn in wed after my drug test and stuff on tuesday is finished. I also got a reserve position with a city a little larger close to cape girardeau. Reserves work 8 hours per month for free then after that your paid normal officers pay, you usually fill in when someones sick or out for training or if extra officers are needed for some reason. So I will be able to get more on the job training and get to expirience different things and make extra money too.

I got my reserve spot officially today although I wont even work oreientation shifts for at least 2 weeks, chief wants me to at least start my full time job before I go for training since both towns have similar streets etc and he doesnt want me to hve trouble learning it all, both city chiefs are pretty good guys it seems like.

So I got my reserve ID and badge, got sworn in, got issued my gun, 2 unifroms, a coatand some other gear. I'll be getting more at my full time department and should start full time next week and then reserve some over next few weeks and end up working a lot but I think it'll be worth it for the expirence, pay and break me in, I am excited to be starting my career.

Just wanted to share with you guys.



New Member
Jan 28, 2009
Wills7MGTE;1245757 said:
Well as you know it's been a wierd week, my grandfather died earlier this week, my little brother turned 9 today and today was a great day in my life actually.

As you may know I graduated the police academy in November with my 640 hour Class A certification, well I finally got a job, not just one but two! I got a full time position with a small town 20 minutes south of where I live working 12 hour shifts, 2 on 2 off 3 on 3 off which is great, I will be sworn in wed after my drug test and stuff on tuesday is finished. I also got a reserve position with a city a little larger close to cape girardeau. Reserves work 8 hours per month for free then after that your paid normal officers pay, you usually fill in when someones sick or out for training or if extra officers are needed for some reason. So I will be able to get more on the job training and get to expirience different things and make extra money too.

I got my reserve spot officially today although I wont even work oreientation shifts for at least 2 weeks, chief wants me to at least start my full time job before I go for training since both towns have similar streets etc and he doesnt want me to hve trouble learning it all, both city chiefs are pretty good guys it seems like.

So I got my reserve ID and badge, got sworn in, got issued my gun, 2 unifroms, a coatand some other gear. I'll be getting more at my full time department and should start full time next week and then reserve some over next few weeks and end up working a lot but I think it'll be worth it for the expirence, pay and break me in, I am excited to be starting my career.

Just wanted to share with you guys.


Congrats to your new career!!!! Thanks for your intrest in keeping this country safe :icon_bigg Now :evil2: you should race the squad car with a evil supra, and for the license plate " catch me if you can I am the ginger bread man " :evil2: J/K


Oct 27, 2006
its either you work aside with the law or work against it, and you have played it smart my friend. congrats !


SM Expert Thread Derailer
Mar 14, 2007
Don't pull me over ;)

Never get complacent.....ever. I have seen complancency cost good marines there lives. Approch every vechicle with respect and understanding...while also knowing the occupants of that vechicle could want to kill you for stopping them. When you corner someone..(and you didn't even know you did) people will do anything. I ran a lot of spot checks my first tour in iraq. If you stay alert it is much harder for someone to harm you.


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
Well I know the first few months Ill be very puckered for anything, I gotta watch complacency for sure, working dispatch I saw guys do it when I'd go ride, they'd forget basic tactical stuff and drop guard too quick. It's a tough balance because joe public will take things out of context or not understand why you do things a certain way.

I am very excited though, been wanting to do this a long time, being diabetic at a young age I couldn't go military like dad did, but I've always had an interest, it's just a cool job in a lot of ways, lot of downsides but a lot of unique upsides, and after all money isnt everything as long as I can live comfortably I'll be fine, and working 2 towns I should have enough to do just that.

Thanks for all the feedback guys, and I doubt many supras rol through either town, my reserve town maye since its near cape and along I-55 however my full time lil town of 3,000 not so much, I have one of 3 turbo mk3's within 75 miles of my town and ones down for a 2JZ NAT-T swap (JMCBOOST on here) and the other is BHG and owners out of the state and sometimes country (Hes Boost_Victim here and hes USMC air wing air frames guy).

I'm not about writing tickets, I will if its a blatant violation, something serious, or if the drivers uncooperative and obviously doesnt care about other peoples safety, and then like DUI's are just plain not going to be tolerated thats my pet peev. I saw a lot of officers talk and educate people into changing thier driving without ever writing them a big fat ticket, and full time job chief told me he prefers to handle things without having to issue a ticket unless its something serious or like I mentioned so Im glad we think alike on that.

I am excited, gonna buy a wallet with badge insert to keep my id and badge for reserve job in, then a off duty holster for my personal Glock 22. I get issued a glock 22 at full time part time department gave me a SIG PRO .40 S&W so at least all my weapons use same caliber LOL.

Thanks guys, I will stay safe.