New car


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Question to anyone who has gotten a LOAN for a car + a Warranty for it.

I have a 6 month warranty which covers trans engine ect ect. Now, I don't think I have the details anywhere, but generally are there any technicalities with them?

For example, I was driving home to day and the car damn near over heated, I pulled over right before it got up to the red and let it cool down, checked the coolant level ect. Anyway, I filled it up with some more coolant ( The over flow tank was BOILING ), and drove it home with no problems ( About a 50 minute drive ), until I got of the freeway. My question is, if I let it over heat, would I be liable for it, or would the warranty cover it most likely? I'm almost tempted to let the motor blow and have them rebuild the motor, they sold me it this way ( Although this is the first time it happened ) so its not really my fault.

I need to get some info on the warranty... but anyone have any advice?


Camel Jockey
May 16, 2005
Vernon Hills, IL
I would call them up, tell them you just got insurance on the car, and they said if you have a warranty on the vehicle to give them a copy of the warranty disclosures, etc... and you will get a 5 dollar discount on your insurance a month. Not shady in any way and you get the info you need w/o any worries from the dealer.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Sounds like early BHG! Check that radiator every chance you get. If you need to top it off every day or two, you need to take it to them for repair. It will only rise in temperature when the level gets a little low, until it gets worse, and is usually fine on the interstate with plenty of air cooling the radiator. But, keep an eye on it as soon as you get off and slow down.


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Oh believe me, I've been watching the needle since the day I got it, its stock w/ 150k miles on it, generally its only a matter of time.... which is also the reason I decided to go with the warranty.