New California LPFET Emissions Test


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006


I need a turbo! >:(
Mar 3, 2006
Sacramento, CA
This doesn't bother me, really. Let them go ahead and pressure test my gas tank/vapor recovery system. If they find a leak, I'll thank them for saving me the trouble.

Unlike a lot have done, my charcoal canister is still intact, and the VSV is still functioning as far as I know. I built my whole damned wiring harness, so I'm pretty sure I did it right. lol I plan on swapping on a USDM cylinder head in the near future, installing an EGR, and getting my swap ref'd. CA smog? No problem. :)



New Member
Mar 21, 2007
long beach
Well I saw the test in person today, while smog checking the new DD. Lexus SC400. Lets see the machine says Evap, does everything that JetJock said it would and from what I saw on the display it allows for a little leakage though. It said my lexus was leaking about .030 which is good enough to pass.

All the guy told me was to make sure all my hoses are connected and tightly so it doesn't leak and you can pass. He said since he had it in December, he said basically all the cars pass.


thread killer
Dec 22, 2005
vancouver Wa
this isn't cali,

but shows they are infecting the rest of us too!

Here's a note I just got from a friend about a new proposed Bill in WA. The website highlighted in blue gives the details of the proposed bill. Amazing!

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Vehicle License Fee Bill SB6900


There is a bill that the Washington State Legislature is trying to pass
in Olympia that, if successful, will directly add huge costs to our
vehicle license fees. Everyone needs to know about so this situation so
that you can contact your representatives and voice your objection.

The bill is SB 6900 and it adds an "engine displacement" fee to the
vehicle license tabs upon renewal.

The fee has a varied amount depending on the size of the vehicle's engine:

Engine Size (liters) Rate Schedule
Up to 1.9 $0
2.0 - 2.9 $70
3.0 - 3.9 $225
4.0 - 4.9 $275
5.0 - 5.9 $325
6.0 - 7.9 $400
8.0 or over $600

For each car & truck that you own, calculate the rate by matching the
engine size in liters to the dollar amount. Add the amounts for each
vehicle and you'll see that the average two car family will be paying
$500+ every year in "displacement fees" on top of the normal license
fees. If you have three vehicles, you'll be paying even more.

The average family is already struggling with the high cost of gasoline,
electricity, food and everything else, and our lawmakers want us to pay
more, thinking we have unlimited deep pockets. This will do great damage
to the budgets of retirees on fixed incomes as well.

Now is the time to be very vocal against this bill.

I have contacted all of our representatives, and I would encourage
everyone reading this to do the same.

Here's the web page for the bill where you can read the text:

Here's the link for contacting your representatives:

If we don't threaten mass rebellion over this, they'll pass this bill
and we'll be paying huge fees every year on top of their increase in the
gas tax. They have to know that we won't stand for any more taxes or
increase in licensing fees.

I've told my representatives that I will actively work to see that any
lawmaker that supports this bill is replaced at election time.

Please contact your legislators, then copy the text of this e mail, and
forward it to as many people as possible that you know in Washington
State, and encourage them to contact their representatives and strongly
voice their objection to this bill.


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Find an address in a emissions free state, say you store it there when at the DMV. Get your plates for that state, call it a day. If I move to Cali I'm keeping my WI plates. Still need to send in for my Hobbiest plates yet.


Ninja Editor 'Since 05'
Jul 24, 2005
now i kind of feel good about going out of my way to get a 2jz charcoal canister and routing the lines:)

even though im nowhere near california

have a cat too :D