i like the sides, ALOT. the only thing i have to complain about the sides are the raised ridges at the Top... they would do better to have only the ridge at the bottom. i Love how the sides follow the contouring of the fender flares and recessed portions of the center of the body.
the front bumper is like a maxx evo only a little more exotic... theres too much goin on w/ the maxx evo and this one is so far past that line, it doesnt even know what the line looks like.
the rear would have been ok had they not added the extraction ducts behind the rear wheels. if it would come straight down, no ducts... keep the exhaust cut out and the faux diffuser, it could look nice.
all that considered, id still rock the sides. i like them MUCH better than the Running board-style sides that every other company offers/ed.