Just bought this turbo motor for cheap because whoever was working on it moved out and owner of house wanted to get rid of it. It has been sitting there for over 2 years.
I drained the oil to look for you-know-what, and DAymnn, oil mixed with coolant. :icon_evil
The head has been rebuilt and valves cleaned, but whoever worked on it had put the head back onto the blocK WITHOUT replacing the BHG.
My concern is more on the block. I had taken pictures and was wondering if the experts in the community could take a look and tell me if they see something suspicious, ie: bad engine/cylinder, bad pistion(s), etc...
Cylinder walls are rusty and I was hoping to clean it up without effecting anything in any negative ways.
Please let me know what see and think as this is my very first time doing this, and I'd like to do it right. Thanks! :love: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:
(pictures are from 1-6, left-right)
Just bought this turbo motor for cheap because whoever was working on it moved out and owner of house wanted to get rid of it. It has been sitting there for over 2 years.
I drained the oil to look for you-know-what, and DAymnn, oil mixed with coolant. :icon_evil
The head has been rebuilt and valves cleaned, but whoever worked on it had put the head back onto the blocK WITHOUT replacing the BHG.
My concern is more on the block. I had taken pictures and was wondering if the experts in the community could take a look and tell me if they see something suspicious, ie: bad engine/cylinder, bad pistion(s), etc...
Cylinder walls are rusty and I was hoping to clean it up without effecting anything in any negative ways.
Please let me know what see and think as this is my very first time doing this, and I'd like to do it right. Thanks! :love: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:
(pictures are from 1-6, left-right)