Need some help.


New Member
Aug 21, 2009
Lima, Ohio, United States
What are the chances of me clearing an aggressive driving ticket, if I take it to court? Im pleading no contest, because there is no proof that I was in fact driving aggressively. I changed lanes to avoid hitting someone, used my blinker when i switched lanes and didnt cut anyone off. I didnt swirve or even cause the tires to "bark". Hell, I was in 2nd gear the entire time.

So what are the chances that itll get dismissed? If more info is needed Ill be glad to give it.


New Member
Aug 21, 2009
Lima, Ohio, United States
Lmao, absolutley nothing. He said he was writing me a ticket for aggressive driving. I asked him how was I aggressive, he just looked at me, spit his dip out, and walked to his car with my iformation.


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
WOW. Hah...well I'd say fight it in court, whatever seems best. I don't know much about this kind of thing but definitely search for info about fighting tickets in court, its been discussed here before.


New Member
Aug 21, 2009
Lima, Ohio, United States
It means Im not saying I did do it or saying I didnt do it. And there is no evidence of me doing anything deserving the ticket. I believe I was safe in everyway possible. And obviously the cop doesnt. He couldnt even tell me how fast I was going, so this dudue was just looking to give a ticket out. He was training someone so he was probably showing off. Idk, and Idc. But I am in no way deserving this ticket.

Hell the cop had to at least do 20mph+ over the speed limit to get to me. (no i was not speeding) I could see him about 1/4 mile back then boom, hes on top of me, Oh and he didnt turn his lights on until he was on my ass. If anything the cop should get a fuckin ticket.


Supramania Contributor
Jan 13, 2008
Northeast Philly
airhead04;1490885 said:
It means Im not saying I did do it or saying I didnt do it. And there is no evidence of me doing anything deserving the ticket. I believe I was safe in everyway possible. And obviously the cop doesnt. He couldnt even tell me how fast I was going, so this dudue was just looking to give a ticket out. He was training someone so he was probably showing off. Idk, and Idc. But I am in no way deserving this ticket.

Hell the cop had to at least do 20mph+ over the speed limit to get to me. (no i was not speeding) I could see him about 1/4 mile back then boom, hes on top of me, Oh and he didnt turn his lights on until he was on my ass. If anything the cop should get a fuckin ticket. contest means that the cop was right and that you're paying the ticket and accepting the points if any....dude you fail lol.

If you want to go to court then "contest" the ticket....if you check "no contest" then you better have a damn money order mailed with that ticket!


New Member
Aug 21, 2009
Lima, Ohio, United States
gaboonviper85;1490936 said: contest means that the cop was right and that you're paying the ticket and accepting the points if any....dude you fail lol.

If you want to go to court then "contest" the ticket....if you check "no contest" then you better have a damn money order mailed with that ticket!

When a person is charged with commiting a crime, he or she is given the opportunity to respond. There are three possible responses: a guilty plea, not guilty plea, and no contest plea. If a defendant does not enter a plea, a plea of not guilty will be entered for him or her. From the Latin, nolo contendre, no contest means the person does not refute the charges, but also does not claim guilt for the charges. This can save time if a person convicted of a crime must stipulate to each of the charges.

i did my homework. that is the meaning of no contest. no one failed here.


New Member
Jan 18, 2009
Ft. Collins, CO
airhead04;1490942 said:
When a person is charged with commiting a crime, he or she is given the opportunity to respond. There are three possible responses: a guilty plea, not guilty plea, and no contest plea. If a defendant does not enter a plea, a plea of not guilty will be entered for him or her. From the Latin, nolo contendre, no contest means the person does not refute the charges, but also does not claim guilt for the charges. This can save time if a person convicted of a crime must stipulate to each of the charges.

i did my homework. that is the meaning of no contest. no one failed here.

But you are trying to refute the charges...why didn't you just plead not guilty?


New Member
Aug 21, 2009
Lima, Ohio, United States
So I starrted looking at the ticket today, and now Im annoyed. Ilooked it over and it states I was speeding as well as driving agressively. The cop didnt mention the speeding part and I was to pissed to realize it. I didnt speed. So would this at all help me in court of what?
Oct 11, 2005
Thousand Oaks, CA
A "no contest" plea is treated by a court in exactly the same manner as a guilty plea. In Florida, where you appear to be from, the state Supreme Court held in 2005 that "no contest" convictions may be treated as prior convictions for the purposes of future sentencing.

S.A. supra

New Member
Feb 15, 2009
Buda, Texas
Yeah I't means that you are not contesting it and you Agree with the cop. Good thing your mom got that lawyer for free.

I don't know the laws in your state but here in Texas if you get a ticket and you contest it you will have a court date. Alot of times the officer will not show, and if they don't the ticket will be dismissed. Also with a speeding ticket one way of fighting them is to ask for proof that the radar gun was calibrated the day of the ticket. Good luck.


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
As has been pointed out a no contest plea is typically treated the same as a guilty plea. However it appears when using it for traffic infractions in the state of Florida (at least in some counties) it has the possibility of reducing your penalty to court costs only without incurring a fine, points, or the need to attend traffic school. What 3p said about future convictions still stands though...


New Member
Aug 21, 2009
Lima, Ohio, United States
Well, I will be getting my court date tuesday (mlk day monday). And Im just going to do what the lawyer says to do. I think thats the best way to go right?? Anyways after my hearing Ill let you guys know what I ended up pleaing and how it went. Thanks for the advice.


Nov 4, 2009
Bev Hills 90210
File a judicial notice motion, so the judge can take notice of the definition "Driving recklessly"

Also, file a motion of dismissal. Present what happened. Show the judge there is lack of subject matter jurisdiction, and an injured or interested party.

If this doesn't work, show up to court, plea not guilty. Hope the officer doesn't show up. If he does, if he trys to hold something against you, object and state these are facts not entered into evidence.

If you are found guilty you can appeal it.

I've been issued plenty of traffic tickets. I always claim common law jurisdiction and never get charged with these pity "Motor Vehicle Violations"


scratch that...going 2jz
Jun 26, 2006
United States
wow washington is all screwed up we have committed, mitigated, and contested

maybe they hope with big words you just pay the fine...also as far as i knew cops don't have to show up to court here (unless you request they show which might not be a bad strategy)

Cops are the main reason i got out of the supra game for a while and also the reason i have to wait a year before joining the army (it took a year and a half to get this far) at least he didn't pull you out of your car slam you around try to tow your car and tell his superior you where resisting arrest(he knew i would call) (trust me I will never get over that cop and if i ever see him again I'll have an audio and video recorder ready to bust his ass)

edit: i also make sure now to thank every cop i see who is really doing their job the way it was intended to be done...i have nothing against cops just bad cops (and we have alot here)