im not for sure what they are called ,(inspection covers) there are two on my 90 n/a on the y pipe and the other on the plenum.well i took them both off to do some deatil work and to see how dirty they were inside and the small on on the y pipe was clogged up with carbon.i scraped and got most of it out but when i replaced it and started the car,it ran rough and then died and wont start back up.i cant figure out what even sounded like the timing was off (like belt was gone)but it was all happened at once and i have no more ideasunless what i didnt get out fouled the plugs completely but i ran out of daylight to look.
any ideas ???? :1zhelp: :1zhelp: :1zhelp:
any ideas ???? :1zhelp: :1zhelp: :1zhelp: