So let me get you up to speed, 91 completely stock, car was sitting 7 years with a blown head before i purchased it. Got her home did the head, all is fine she runs fine, idles fine. Well at least until i start driving it, in the range from 3000 to 3500 rpms the car makes a large squeal (sounds like a duck to me), the car loses power as in the motor stumbles and it goes back to normal, this happens almost everytime these rpm ranges are met. Now had my pops rev her up to find the noise, and i put my hand on the turbo compressor and when it makes this noise you can feel a significant knock on the turbo housing, now all this leads to the turbo being bad i think,if you think something else let me know but if its the turbo, i want to understand why its doing this. Any insight would be greatly appreciated
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