Need help with Head Gasket (beginning to go)


Irish Cream
Mar 5, 2007
Centreville, VA
Hello all,

My '88 Turbo has been acting a bit "off" for the past few days, so I took it to my local Toyota dealer today to have a compression test and a pressure test, and sure enough it's in the beginning stages of BHG syndrome... It's not mixing fluids yet, and the compression actually wasn't HORRIBLE (175, 170, 175, 175, 165, 170.. those numbers aren't exact, but it was that pattern and in that range), but it's leaking coolent into the exhaust...

I have two questions for anyone who is willing to help out:

#1, The car was driving fine up 'till last night (Friday)... I "burped" it Thursday, however Friday night the bubbling sound returned, and the coolent began filling in the reservoir, which it hadn't done previously (it actually leaked out a bit, I guess the top was left off)... Today I had the compression and pressure tests, and when I drove it back home from the dealer it was actually driving worse than before during the entire trip home... Temp gauge was staying steady "normal", but the car was idling rough at every stop light, and white smoke was comming up from the hood (and I believe out of the exhaust). My question is, with compression even as high as 165 (which was the lowest in the 5th cylinder), that should still be within spec (technically) or thereabouts, and the dealer emphasized that it was just beginning stages... Why is it running so rough all the sudden? Was it the pressure test??? It at least drove smooth and without ANY smoke before these tests!! Is there any way I can get it running smoothly again, at least temporarily? The coolent reservoir is about full, and the radiator is low...

#2, Do any of you know any reputable shops in Northern Virginia, or around the Washington DC Metro area? Should I trust the dealer (who I have been dealing with for around 10 years) to replace the head gasket on this vehicle? I realize that may be a "hit or miss" question, however I'm more concerned with finding a trustworthy/skilled person to do the work for me (in the very near future).

I appreciate ANY help! Thank you very much!

Last edited:


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
Just find fellow Supra owners close to you and ask them if they would help you.

I'm sure if you had to pay them, it would much less money than the dealer or other mechanics. And in the process you could watch them do it and learn from them.



Supra =
Aug 19, 2005
Downey, California, United States
Well, to do a compression test, you have to remove the spark plugs... So I'm guessing the dealer probably didn't reconnect something securely...

Check all connectors (especially the CPS) and the spark plug wires...

Oh, and listen to TTE...if you get it done at the dealer, they will torque the head to factory specs (58 ft/lbs) and the head gasket will just blow again.


Irish Cream
Mar 5, 2007
Centreville, VA
tte said:
Just find fellow Supra owners close to you and ask them if they would help you.

I'm sure if you had to pay them, it would much less money than the dealer or other mechanics. And in the process you could watch them do it and learn from them.


I wish it were that easy... If I had the time I would go ahead and do it... Problem is, I don't know anyone in the area with a MK3 (I've seen a couple around, but don't know the drivers), and I don't want to trust just anyone unless they are proven to be reputable, especially hearing what I have about the 7M series engine in particular...

Also, I work during the week, and this is my daily driver, so I need it done by someone who is dedicated to it and able to get it done in a timely manner (I guess within a week)... I was hoping for at least a year of ownership before I had to deal with a BHG, as I just sold my '04 Solara and picked this up 3 weeks ago in order to free up more funds for a down payment on a house but still have something fun to drive... The car is a true beauty, it's obvious it's been cared for by the condition of everything (minus the headgasket, but I can't really fault anyone for that), and it only has 58K actual miles on it (which is very low for a BHG, but I guess age begins to show no matter what on a 19 year old car)...

I know there are a lot of "performance shops" in my area, but I'd like to find one that has a good amount of 7M, or at least generalized Supra experience...

Anyone know of any?



Supra =
Aug 19, 2005
Downey, California, United States
You COULD try retorqueing the head bolts...

It could make your head gasket last a bit longer...since it is only leaking slightly...has worked for others on the board...

Oh, and I LOVE your car, BTW...It is my new wallpaper. :D


Nov 9, 2005
You may not even have a BHG, how does you dealer know if it is in the "begining stages" Crystal ball? If and when you have a BHG you will just know.


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
Ask on here or Supra forums...if there are people close to you...I'm sure there are people from your state.



Irish Cream
Mar 5, 2007
Centreville, VA
suprarich said:
You may not even have a BHG, how does you dealer know if it is in the "begining stages" Crystal ball? If and when you have a BHG you will just know.

I don't have a blown head gasket yet, however it's leaking into the exhaust (and that is evident), along with compression on cylinder 5 being lower than the rest (which I understand is what normally happens in the beginning stages of a BHG in these cars), and air being allowed into the cooling system / coolent overflowing... It's just too much coincedence for a vehicle that is notorious for blowing head gaskets.

Anyhow, I'd rather take care of it now and do it right the first time than wait 'till I'm stranded on the side of the road with no transportation and a much more costly repair...

I'm willing to spend what it takes to have it done properly (I don't want to skimp on it and get a crappy repair), as I considered this as an "upfront expense" or "sunk cost" in the price of this vehicle when I purchased it.

I just need to find a good local shop that I can trust to do it properly... Anyone from VA, MD, DC???


BTW, Thanks for the compliments Johnathan :icon_bigg It's a true beauty, but this is a bit disheartening...


Nov 4, 2005
theprodigy79 said:
I don't have a blown head gasket yet, however it's leaking into the exhaust (and that is evident), along with compression on cylinder 5 being lower than the rest (which I understand is what normally happens in the beginning stages of a BHG in these cars), and air being allowed into the cooling system / coolent overflowing... It's just too much coincedence for a vehicle that is notorious for blowing head gaskets.

Doesn't that already mean it's blown? It the HG looses it's seal in anyway, i'd consider it blown. I wouldn't call it a "beggining stage" as much as I would a "less severe" case.
Like you recommended to yourself, get it fixed before it starts messing with other things.


Irish Cream
Mar 5, 2007
Centreville, VA
Fair enough, I agree...

I've been doing research and have come up with a few shops known in the Supra community up in MD (Billy Cha at Amoco in Laurel, MD, Atlantic Motorsports in Gaithersburg, MD and Infinite Racing in Beltsville, MD), however I'd like to stay a bit more local in Northern VA if possible (those are all 30 min to 1 hour away, which is doable if necessary, but there's gotta be something around here)...

I appreciate all the replies thus far guys.


Irish Cream
Mar 5, 2007
Centreville, VA
Guys... I'm stupid... It's not nearly as bad as I thought... I guess I'm just a bit over-panicked about BHGs... Not to say I'm not getting air in my coolent any more, and that I should probably do something about it fairly soon... but the situation is not nearly as bad as I thought.

I popped my hood today and cranked the car with the radiator cap off so I could see if I could get any air out of it... The thing is WAAAAY over full, I guess Toyota overfilled it... But the fluid is up to the top of the radiator AND the reservoir is around 4/5ths full... So, it's not that the radiator was low and the fluid was being pushed into the reservoir... it's just REALLY full...

As far as the sporatic idling and such... Purely coincedence... While I was looking at the engine compartment I heard a LOUD "TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS"... Yup, one of the vacuum tubes snapped while Toyota was messing around in there... So that's why it drove like shit on the way home... I assume that the "check engine" light and bad start on Friday was due to the hose being cracked, and the dealer finished the job...

I just drove over to Advance Autoparts and bought a length of hose and replaced the old one... The car drives BETTER than when I picked it up (which I thought was pretty damned good!)

Also, no more white smoke from under the hood (and I didn't notice any from the exhaust), so I have to assume it was just spillage, and it burned off... The exhaust may have a bit, but what I saw yesterday was probably just from the pressure test (as I said, I do have a leak, it's just not bad)...

So I feel much better now... I truly apologize for the stir... It's a beautiful day out, I think I'm gonna go pop my targa off and go for a cruise :)

Take care,


PS---> If any of you do know any "Supra Smart" places in Northern VA I'd still like to know ;-)


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
Since it's a closed reservoir system the radiator is supposed to filled to the brim at all times. Nor is the cap supposed to be routinely removed. Coolant is supposed to be added only to the reservoir which should be should be at the full line or slightly more when the engine is cold. I keep mine at a new line that's 25% more to avoid the light winking at me in turns. If the system is leak tight and everything is OK the cold coolant level will not change change from day to day. If it does you have a problem...which I think you do.


Irish Cream
Mar 5, 2007
Centreville, VA
I agree that I have some issue, but I also believe that the issue isn't as large (yet) as I first believed it to be. I took my car out today after my last post and monitored my fluids the whole time and all seems steady (the radiator remained full and the reservoir maintained its level). I definitely still hear air in the system, and I do believe my head gasket is shot, but the car is acting normally now, with the symptoms of concern relating to the broken vacuum hose (which makes more sense, but I had been afraid that the engine had lost more compression somehow than the test reflected).

I'm monitoring it closely and consistantly, and I'm still researching reputable local shops who I could trust to replace the HG. I plan to retire the car for a week (or whatever it takes) when I find a good shop and have it serviced properly. For now I'm driving it steady and easy... I don't think it's anything to be substantially concerned about as of yet, and I'm pretty sure it'll last through the week, or until I find a place I trust to work on it.

Once again, I appreciate all the help and insight! You all are awesome!
