Okay, what you need to do is find someone local who knows how to do this stuff and have him/her show you. It's extremely basic knowledge to test wires with a multimeter. Read the TEWD from the start, where it tells you what the diagrams mean. It will tell you how to figure out how to count which number pin is where in any given connector. the diagrams have the wires in colour, so you don't even have to try and figure out if B is blue, black, brown, beige or bare copper. It will tell you how to figure out what the different symbols mean, which are connectors, which are places where the wires go through a panel like the firewall or fender, and how to read the numbers on the symbols to determine WHERE it does so.
Take the time, read the introduction, and the "How To Use this Manual" section. It will also show you how to use your multimeter.