need help! whats the name of this thing?


New Member
Sep 24, 2010
Bay Area, CA
okay so im working on beefing up the suspension and overall handling of my supra. i hear the do luck cross bar does wonders but i dont have that kind of money so i was planing to try and make one myself. So here is were i need your help. i need to know the technical name of the double sided bolt in the center thats need to add tension to the bar (shown in pic below) thanks guys im really excited to get started on this project!


New Member
Sep 24, 2010
Bay Area, CA
i remeber finding a thread here or on supraforums one time that gave a link to a place were i can buy these but that was some time ago and im not having any luck finding it again


New Member
Oct 7, 2010
Maine, USA
The technical term for a piece of threaded hardware that has LH threads on one side and RH threads on the other is a Turnbuckle. What you have however looks like some sort of custom machined component. I think if it is bolted down well you shouldn't need to concern yourself with being able to tension the unit...if anything it would put undue strain on your spring towers. I have heard the opposite....the supra is so stiff (and the suspension forces aren't being driven into the spring towers), that tower braces do very little to improve matters. I suppose if you were using the cross bar to triangulate the towers to the firewall or a cage than you might see some benefit, but just tying the two towers together won't do much IMO. I know you see it all the time on Hondas, but they are also running a much different suspension configuration than we are, and their frames aren't anywhere near as stiff.

SG in NE


New Member
Sep 24, 2010
Bay Area, CA
The technical term for a piece of threaded hardware that has LH threads on one side and RH threads on the other is a Turnbuckle. What you have however looks like some sort of custom machined component. I think if it is bolted down well you shouldn't need to concern yourself with being able to tension the unit...if anything it would put undue strain on your spring towers. I have heard the opposite....the supra is so stiff (and the suspension forces aren't being driven into the spring towers), that tower braces do very little to improve matters. I suppose if you were using the cross bar to triangulate the towers to the firewall or a cage than you might see some benefit, but just tying the two towers together won't do much IMO. I know you see it all the time on Hondas, but they are also running a much different suspension configuration than we are, and their frames aren't anywhere near as stiff.


thanks for the help! but the cross bar im referring to is one that do luck makes which sits in the middle of the car on the floor of rear seats. couldnt find the pic of one in a supra but basicly this is it V


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
I would try your local Ace, you MIGHT find one there, or at another specialty hardware store. Failing that, you will probably have to have that machined for you anyway. Or you could just do what I plan on doing, and adding something similar to my cage...