hello and thanks in advance for any help im running a 7mge and am thinking about going with an eaton m90 from a super coupe im going to run under ten lbs of boost so i plan on using an fmu to boost fuel presure and i have 36lb injectors stock is 24 i believe but i need to know what ratio fmu to get 4:1 6:1 8:1 10:1 12:1 ? any one run an fmu with about that size injector on an na/t if so what ratio did u use ? also wit the the acis {variable intake runner length} will this work with a forced induction aplication seeing that the diaphram is vacume actuated it runs of a tank but im not shure if will be adiquite enough to hold the valve since it wiil now have boostinstead ov vacume and one more question the stock air fuel meeter ive seen people use this on na/t before but will a maft pro give me much more power if the boost stays the same due to less restiction or will the pressure make up for it ? i figure this should be prety similar to an na/t setup after all boost is boost