Tony Mawad said:
I imagine you would have slighly better gas mileage (a feature of high compression motors).
You would also get more power ("free") since that is also a feature of high compression motors (unless you are sacrificing boost).
I'm not to terriably worried about gas mileage.... If I wanted good milage I wouldn't have sold my Accord
That's what I'm torn between.... Fromhat I have gathered running 10-12 PSI would be awesome in terms of power... and I doubt I'd ever run more power than that till I could afford all sorts of tricky stuff.
I have also been thinking of using N/A pistons because if the N/As can be turbocharged with their pistons (assuming they use their original pistons), why can't I.
yah, I've been thinkin the same thing
My intended set-up may be different than yours though, Justin. I am only building very close to stock (my need for speed only gets quenched on 2 wheels).
I'm only going with all that hardware cuz I want my engine to be as bullet proof as I can afford... I'm not planning on making huge numbers, just want it to be solid.
i'm using 020" gte pistons... my compression was upped by lots of skims on head & block and using a thin head gasket
previous cc on engine with a 4mm hg was 7.98:1
i got a 1.8mm gasket which worked out to be 9.4:1 according to some calculations someone made
that's what the NA pistons are. one of the things i'm hesitant about is the fact the NA pistons are cast, nor forged.
how has your car been running, with the higher compression, anything note-worth?
coinball on SF said that he was building what i was thinking of... he predicted 14 PSI at 2500 RPM's... that would be awesome!!!