You supra is an "NA" but it's also a FI fuel's fuel injected....
Like IJ can stand for "forced induction" but its usually not used in that context.
Some terms that may help you understand the topics here:
boost=air pressure from turbo charger
juice,spray=nitrous oxide (another power add'r)
meth=methonal injection
trans/tranny=chick with a dick...jk...transmission
and many just ask
Forum lingo:
tits=better than win!
Sex=much better than all 3
fail=not so good
ibtl=in before the lock (thread fails and people know it's getting locked...make a post before said even's fun)
ftw=for the win (equal to "win" but coolerer)
epic=win on such massive scale you'll tell your grandchildren
IJ=old bastered with limited humor...can be tamed with boobie pics though!
That's all I can think of for now.