My zx14 vs c6 z06


Friend of Fast
Apr 14, 2006
Tacoma, WA
After a Friday night at Pacific Raceways, I was heading home and ended up next to a c6 z06 that had also been running. I have always had a school girl crush on these cars and thought I would toy with it a bit. I blipped the throttle once or twice while next to him, as well as shifted into 3rd. We were going about 60mph and he looked at me and then quickly down shifted and took off. This kind of caught me off guard, but I hit it and caught him. It would take quite a z06 to beat my bike, but I have to say I was quite impressed with this z06.
Throughout the night, the z06's never hit 11s at the track, but on the freeway, his car sure did pull hard. Even though he took the hit (of about 2 cars) I didn't reel him in until past 100. After we raced we gave each other a thumbs up. I should have been in 1st or 2nd if I was really racing, but I really don't know if I would rather have a mkiv or a c6 z06 now!