My Supra Barely Made It Out of A Road Rage Incident!!!


Nov 15, 2007
First off...let me just say that should you choose to read this, I cannot give you the five minutes of your life back!

Three lane highway, fairly busy, tunes bumping, windows down, top open (yes...I have the sunroof...:)), and plugging along at around 78 mph in the middle lane.

Red car passes me on the left followed by a gray car. I move in behind the gray car and the three of us slowly pass the little bit of congestion...

The red car decides to slow down and the gray car just sucks right up on his bumper. My common sense tells me to back off the throttle. I do and put about 12 cars between me and the gray car. As with "most" supra owners, we try our best to avoid accidents, rock chips, and such!

After a bit, the red car slides over in to the middle lane. Great! Now the gray car and I can move along at our previous pace. Well, all of a sudden I see a flash of brake lights from the gray car. I thought huh....he must have dropped something...? Then he hits the brakes and locks them up! I'm like HUH!?!? And immediately move to my defense battle stations! You know...upright...both hands on the wheel... So, I raise both hands like "WHAT?!!?" and motioned him to move over.

So, he moves over to the middle lane, and I assume my kicked back, relaxed, cruise position, and begin to make my way by.

I get about six cars from him and he swerves in to my lane and double foots the brakes! Smoke everywhere, the car went sideways, and he almost slid off the road! I jam on my brakes and realize that my stock system isn't going to stop in time.

Just as he lets off and sort of regains control, I'm literally at his bumper. I drop it in to third for added braking and swerve on to the left shoulder to avoid him. Then we're side by side and he punches it to keep me off the road.

My right foot goes from a mashed brake position to mashed gas pedal position! So, here I am dragging this stupid low life on the left shoulder of the freeway praying that my ponies will pass him before he decides to do something really brainy!

Sure enough...I smoke passed him on the VERY narrow left shoulder. Now, I'm in front! What a relief!

I resisted the urge to play his game, again...preservation of the supra is priority! So, I slide over in to the middle lane looking for something to throw at his car. All I could find was my Brittany Spears CD and that just aint happening folks!

As he gets next to me, I politely motioned him to pull over so we could discuss what had just happened; but, he wouldn't even look at me. Probably a good thing because he looked to be at least 6'6 260 lbs...

I go on my way as he does his. The worst part about it is that I was embarrassed as to what had just happened. Isn't that interesting... I guess it's because I am the only Black MK3 in my area and there aren't many MK3's to begin with so all of the spectators will remember that event when they see my car.

I don't wish ill to anyone; but, I hope that there is an event in this guy's life that will not harm him.......but make him realize how much of a JERK he is!

All in all, everyone is ok including the Supra!

I wonder if I could've charged the surrounding drivers for that show...hmm... ;)


Aug 30, 2009
Winter Park, Florida, United States
I want my five minutes back!

JP Ken, that's crazy. I swear though, driving in FL It's very similar all the time. People do STUPID crap. I once had a little miata about 8-10 cars in front of me SLAM his brakes with nobody in front of him. He came to a dead stop and if I didn't swerve into the shoulder I would have been in his backseat. I know this because I slammed on mine at the same time, and by the time I stopped my front wheel was @ his door. Why? Who the hell knows.

America needs better driving exams.

Glad to hear you and the Supra are OK dude!


Supramania Contributor
Jan 2, 2008
Damn Ken. Glad you're all ok. There are some real dumbasses on the road. Guy probably had a bad day and decided to take it out on you. He'll get his one day though. Didn't I tell you about mounting the GoPro permanently?! :)


What will we break today?
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 29, 2008
Coon Rapids, MN
Nice driving Ken! Showed Maj. Fury what's up and made it out unharmed! Well, BS could have used the airtime... ;)

edit: BS= Brittney Spears, lol
Last edited:


Active Member
Dec 4, 2006
Glad youre ok man i once raced a SRT-10 Viper Truck quad cab on the freeway once he got so pissed that i beat him on the second run he went early cut in front and jam on the brakes, im surprised my stock brakes saved my ass.


Nov 15, 2007
toyotanos;1591851 said:
Nice driving Ken! Showed Maj. Fury what's up and made it out unharmed! Well, BS could have used the airtime... ;)

Thanks Steve! As I was driving home and replaying the events in my head, my quick downshift and jam on the gas did remind of something that could be in a movie. That's it.......I'm auditioning for the next Fast and Furious!!! :D

Fuzz420;1591853 said:
Thats some crazy shit right there.Glad you made it out alright.

Thanks Fuzz. Yeah, I can live on not EVER experiencing that again. But, if I do, I want ROCKETS!! :biglaugh:

JDMMA70;1591950 said:
Glad youre ok man i once raced a SRT-10 Viper Truck quad cab on the freeway once he got so pissed that i beat him on the second run he went early cut in front and jam on the brakes, im surprised my stock brakes saved my ass.

Yeah, Wilwoods are definitely on the Horizon for me! ;)

A. Jay

Jun 3, 2009
Bay Area, CA
Glad everyone's (and everything, you know what I'm talking about lol) is ok. I'm the only MKIII for a while, too, so I watch what I do because I also fear being remembered. I like how you didn't let it get to you anywhere near as much as most people would have. Props.

Edit: Wtf you have a gopro and it wasn't mounted?! I'm taking back the props. Jk lol.


Enjoyin' mah ride...
Aug 24, 2009
Richmond, Virginia, United States
Flippin' Hon-DUHS and INAccuras here in VA do this shit a lot now. What they're doing is trying to get you to race by pissing you off, hoping to provoke a response. Cops are trying to crack down on that shit, but it causes more accidents than it does races.

EDIT: I've had to avoid a few scrapes in the last couple months. I think the word out is someone local to them owns a Supra (i.e. - ME), so they're gonna try and screw with him. Wonderful attention to be getting from a bunch of a-holes....


Geekin out
Nov 20, 2006
Just goes to show everyone needs a big brake kit. :D

I just can't figure out why he mashed on the breaks the first time. The second time I could maybe see that he was pissed that you waved him into the other lane, but naturally that's still over-reacting. Still, glad you and Brittney Spears are both in good shape. ;P

Drake69;1592045 said:
Flippin' Hon-DUHS and INAccuras here in VA do this shit a lot now. What they're doing is trying to get you to race by pissing you off, hoping to provoke a response. Cops are trying to crack down on that shit, but it causes more accidents than it does races.

EDIT: I've had to avoid a few scrapes in the last couple months. I think the word out is someone local to them owns a Supra (i.e. - ME), so they're gonna try and screw with him. Wonderful attention to be getting from a bunch of a-holes....
Move further west. The drivers are still awful, but not intentionally awful.


Buzzin' Half Dozen
Sep 13, 2007
Utica, New York
The solution to all the stupid people on the road:


Boobs/Boost, my favorite
Jun 13, 2006
Los Angeles
Glad Britney is okay..

oh, you too..

the whole thing sounds un-provoked, I personally would have taken out my baseball bat and lifted it out the targa and chased him (done it once before, don't know what the hell I was thinking..)


Metal Head
Sep 29, 2009
akron/canton, ohio
RazoE;1592586 said:
Glad Britney is okay..

oh, you too..

the whole thing sounds un-provoked, I personally would have taken out my baseball bat and lifted it out the targa and chased him (done it once before, don't know what the hell I was thinking..)

LOL, Were you trying to joust or something? :biglaugh:

S.A. supra

New Member
Feb 15, 2009
Buda, Texas
I drive a big truck for a living, and I see a lot of stupid shit like that. Once I had a driver do that to another driver in front of me going down a hill with 70,000 pounds on my back. I could of used some Wilwoods then. The idiot in front that jammed up the car in front of me had no idea that we all came really close to some serious carnage.