I have pretty much babied this motor since day one. The carb is jetted a tad on the rich side just in case and the plug readings have confirmed that. No evidence of detonation and its pretty rare that I even go WOT or push close to redline with it. The head was just rebuilt after I broke a valve spring at freeway cruise speed with no warning. The head checked out ok otherwise and we did a valve job.
The only other thing that I think is just a coincidence is I did the 500 mile head retorque the night before I really noticed something wrong and upon diagnostics found near complete compression loss in #2. compression readings that day were 75, 0, 90, 90, and obviously LOTS better with a couple teaspoons of oil. I had driven it 25 miles to town just the day before and it seemed "ok" then.
In hindsight though, It has been a little hard to start hot for a while, and like I said noticed more oil out the breather than I thought normal.
edit: sorry, ring lands look ok, these pistons look to be pretty fresh, no polishing or scoring on the skirts. Rings seem to fit them normally