My Sis rolled the Cherokee


Apr 8, 2007
Toronto Ontario
Last Thursday my sis was driving south on the 410 (just passed the 401 bridge) (for those not familiar with Ontario, 410-401 = major highways) when the vehicle in front of her slammed on the brakes for no apparent reason.

She couldn't react in time so she swerved into the left lane. When she corrected to the right the back end swung arund and it flipped over. It did this in front of the car that slammed on the brakes, indicating that there was nothing close enough in front of that car to warrant it slamming on the brakes as it did.

Anyway, it rolled 3 times before rolling into the ditch and tipping onto the drivers side.

Luckily, there was an undercover cop behind her when this all took place, so help came very quickly. The fire dept had to use the jaws of life to cut the passenger side B pillar in order to get the door open as the frame was twisted and neither of the passenger doors would open. they ripped off the front pass. door and and ambulance took her to trillium Hospital.

She was examined and x-ray'd and 2 hours after the crash, she was released with no bruises, cuts or scrathces of any kind. The only pain she had was from the seatbelt which undoubtedly saved her life.

It was towed to a yard and my Father and I went the next day to deal with it. Because it wasn't worth very much there was only liability insurance on the vehicle. We found someone who was willing to give us a decent price for it and come and take it away.

When he got there, he couldn't fit the tow truck into the area the Jeep had been parked so, we deliberated about how to get it out.

Dad put the key in the ignition turned it over and...viola! It started right up just like it always has. At which point, I DROVE It off the lot, to the road so it could be taken away to it's final resting place.

the officer that witnessed the crash wrote the report, and said that my sis handeled the situation as best as she could have. He also said that the vehicle in front of her braked suddenly for no apparent reason and her reaction saved that idiot's car and possibly other vehicles that were around at the time. He did not charge her with anything.

She didn't hit anything else remarkably, but the most incredible part of all this...
she had a load of groceries in the back. a case of pop, cans of soup, frozed food, ceramic dishes, a T.V, a T.V. stand and a storage unit. There was stuff everywhere, but not a single thing hit her!

She walked away....










The Magnificent Seven
Oct 16, 2005
crazy! glad to hear she's ok. round here if we do anything that remotely resembles an accident we get charged for it. cops don't care one way or another.


Far From Maddening Crowds
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 30, 2005
Thats one heck of a ride.
Thats lucky she walked away unharmed.


Almost civilian status...
Jun 26, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
Anth505 said:
The only pain she had was from the seatbelt which undoubtedly saved her life.

There we go kids, wear your seatbelt!!! It WILL save your life.

Glad that she walked away unharmed though.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
EvoLuTioN;901238 said:
the idiot in front of her should die

For braking? People need to stop riding so close to cars in front of them. If your close enough you cant stop in time its a problem.

Here in Az if you rear end someone its always going to be your fault, for following to close. People can speculate all they want why the person in front 'slammed their brakes for no reason', theres no way the car behind can say there was no reason for it. There is fault in following to close and its avoidable.

Nothing directed at the OP, I dont know what happened there, just saying in general...


no-JZ Your Mom!
Mar 10, 2006
iwannadie;901271 said:
For braking? People need to stop riding so close to cars in front of them. If your close enough you cant stop in time its a problem.

Here in Az if you rear end someone its always going to be your fault, for following to close. People can speculate all they want why the person in front 'slammed their brakes for no reason', theres no way the car behind can say there was no reason for it. There is fault in following to close and its avoidable.

Nothing directed at the OP, I dont know what happened there, just saying in general...

You're right about the riding so close on somebodys ass. BUT does it help it anymore for you to brake check somebody like that? And in this case causing them to roll over when they have nothing in front of them what so ever. It's avoidable by the person in front also if they just relaxed and chilled out.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
EvoLuTioN;901290 said:
You're right about the riding so close on somebodys ass. BUT does it help it anymore for you to brake check somebody like that? And in this case causing them to roll over when they have nothing in front of them what so ever. It's avoidable by the person in front also if they just relaxed and chilled out.

Noone said anything about a brake check. If I see something in the road and brake suddenly its beyond my control if the person behind is to close to react. The person following Has to be at a distance they can react and avoid an accident, in my opinion theres no excuse for following to close.

Again, its impossible for anyone to say there was no excuse for the sudden braking except the person driving. A split second reaction causes you to hit the brakes, be it something in the road or someone that looks like they are about to change lanes, etc. Sudden braking is part of driving and not in your control(assuming you brake to avoid something), following to close is within your control and gains nothing.



Apr 8, 2007
Toronto Ontario
Thanks for the well wishes everyone.
As far as this whole debate starting about 'brake checking' that was not the case here. She was not following too close either. If she was, I'm sure the cop would have charged her with it, or pulled her over before the crash happened.

She was doing the speed limit at a safe distance, relaxed and chilled out when out of the blue this guy slams on the brakes. If you are tail gating your reaction time would be quick due to the nature of what you are doing. When you are relaxed, driving at a safe distance at the speed limit, (driving a Jeep which let her see over the car in front), and there is nothing to indicate that anything is out of the ordinary, your reaction time is greatly increased. Combine increased reaction time with better brakes on the car as opposed to the jeep and there you have it.


workin' my dream
Jun 10, 2007
dman glad shes ok...last year my new years resolution was to start wearinng my seat belt, then later in march i ran my 240 head on onto a dumptruck...theres no doubt teh seatbelt saved my life, considering the fuckin' dash board popped out

i'm really glad she's ok thogh, some girl and her bowfriend that graduated with me last year both got killed because tehy got ejected when his coblat rolled over...both of them would be alive i'm sure if they wore their belts