The Reaper said:
ok so if everyone is saying that the 2J is the way to go and just save extra money then why do you guys own 1JZ's????? 1.5JZ is the samething just an extra half a liter so i dont see a dumb "poking a retard" way about it....
I've had 2 Supras and 4 different engines(1 7M, a 1J swapped, replaced 1J, bought new 1J car.) If I wanted a 2JZ in a Supra, I would have one by now. I have never wanted a 2JZ in my Supra and have said so since day one. But we aren't talking about me are we? Why are you generalizing using words like 'everyone' and 'you guys'? We are talking about one specific person here, the OP.
You never give up do you... It would be nice if you could post in these threads without pushing your own agenda to justify what you do with your car. You flip flop more than Al Gore. In the beginning the said that the 1J is weak and you're just going to skip it and go straight to a 2J. Then you ACTUALLY buy one and put a 1J in your car and STILL talk shit about it while driving it everyday. Do you know how silly that sounds? You could have just gone 2J like you wanted from the start. Don't give me that "I couldn't afford it" BS. I thought you had a daily driver? To this day it vexes me how someone who talked so much shit about the 1J could even consider putting one in their car. Then you went on your '2J is the only way to go' deal and talked about what you're going to do when you take out the 1J and put a 2J in. NOW, you're actually doing a 1.5JZ. What happened? Did Tissimo have to hold your hand to help you make that decision too? I don't even know why you're bringing up 1Js in this thread. We're not even talking about 1Js. When did I ever say anything about a 1J. I only mentioned 1.5JZ and 2JZ, that's all and that if his end goal for this huge build is a 3L JZ engine and it doesn't seem like his mod list is cutting corners or any kind of budget build, then he should just use the 2JZ from the beginning. Read my posts and comprehend what I actually said and not what you want or think I said. I wasn't even talking about you or your 1.5JZ plan but in almost every thread you have to go off on some tangent about 1Js and how much they suck to make yourself feel good about whatever it is you choose to do with your car. Putting someone or something else down to justify what you have or want? Grow up. That's high school shit.
I've always said the 1.5JZ is a good idea IF you already have a 1J and some significant money invested in that 1J head.(turbo kit, cams, head work, etc.)
The Reaper said:
in the debates you say 1JZ is better but then when someone wants to stroke the motor it is now stupid and pointless? i dont see why......i think it'll be good enough for what i want and i want the 3L because of the fact that the 1J is weak in the low range dept.
Here we go again with what YOU want to do with YOUR car.
Who said the 1J is better? Surely, you don't think I did. Find my post where I have ever said the 1JZ is the superior motor.
The 1J is not weak in the low range.

Maybe there's something wrong with your car but mine has very good low end power. How early do you want your car to make power? At 2000? Sell your Supra, grow your mullet out, and buy a V8. If you're talking about larger turbos instead, any small displacement mtor(1J and 2J) will be 'weak' in the low end when making large amounts of horsepower. You don't get something for nothing... Simple physics. You want big power? You sacrifice the lower end of your powerband.