My official Review of Wii and PS3


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
The PS3's CPU is slightly faster than the Xbox360's.

The Xbox360's GPU is slightly faster than the PS3's

The Wii is 1.5x as powerful as the Xbox.


Supramania Contributor
SupraOfDoom said:
I have to disagree. They won't be able to keep up with demand for awhile! I don't see how you come to this... especially with all the popular titles that will be driving it even more. Look how shitty the launch line up was, and people are still going nuts about it. Just imagine when it has the big games like MGS4, GT5, Tekken, DMC4, Killzone2, Army of 2, FFXIII, Warhawk, ect.

Of course its gonna take awhile to pass up wii and 360, probably a few years.
The people going crazy are the fan base not the average consumer.
Who is really gonna go out and impulse buy a PS3?
A 360 or Wii is a much more likely buy. Added that to get the true visual capability you need a 1080i capable hdtv, which adds more to the price tag for the people wanting the best graphics.

FIRST, they need to get some goddamn hardware on the market to sell anything.


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
JustAnotherVictim said:
The people going crazy are the fan base not the average consumer.
Who is really gonna go out and impulse buy a PS3?
A 360 or Wii is a much more likely buy. Added that to get the true visual capability you need a 1080i capable hdtv, which adds more to the price tag for the people wanting the best graphics.

FIRST, they need to get some goddamn hardware on the market to sell anything.

Uhmm....mate, any normal HDTV is 1080i. What you mean to say is "1080p".....huge differences.


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
JustAnotherVictim said:
The people going crazy are the fan base not the average consumer.
Who is really gonna go out and impulse buy a PS3?
A 360 or Wii is a much more likely buy. Added that to get the true visual capability you need a 1080i capable hdtv, which adds more to the price tag for the people wanting the best graphics.

FIRST, they need to get some goddamn hardware on the market to sell anything.
PS3 isn't a impluse buy, the 360 and Wii are... there are more Sony fans in the US right now then any other, sales of consoles can show you that. There a still a load of people waiting to buy them "When the dust clears" as stated above. It's just the beginning.


Supramania Contributor
SupraOfDoom said:
PS3 isn't a impluse buy, the 360 and Wii are... there are more Sony fans in the US right now then any other, sales of consoles can show you that. There a still a load of people waiting to buy them "When the dust clears" as stated above. It's just the beginning.
Buy what? Empty boxes? A ps3 dream?
All you can show me is PS2 sales, which mean nothing at this point.

You still need hardware to sell.


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
JustAnotherVictim said:
Buy what? Empty boxes? A ps3 dream?
All you can show me is PS2 sales, which mean nothing at this point.

You still need hardware to sell.

Yea, plus taking into consideration the high demand of the ps3 and the fact you can't find one anywhere at a store. Ebay and Amazon has em, but way overpriced.


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Thats because the dust hasn't cleared.... just like I said.... they will be on shelves soon Sony is finally getting over the production problems they have had. It's much easier for Nintendo to pump out their re-hashed gimmick, no new technology re-packaged and cased GameCube then it is for Sony to have there lots of new technology power machine.

Do you really believe PS3 is not going to do well? Because if thats the case I must laugh in your general direction. Wii is on top for now, but it won't be for good, even most of the analysts predict a PS3 next gen win around 2008-9.

Anyway, I have a 360 here now. I'm getting the only 2 good games for it this weekend guys, I'm excited!


Nov 1, 2005
Burbank, CA
i got a wii and you know i'm having a blast playing it... the boxing and the bowling are my 2 favorites of the wii sports. at first the boxing seemed clunky and unresponsive until i kept practicing and now i can throw a punch exactly where and when i want.

i got zelda and need for speed carbon.... i haven't played zelda since the original one for nintendo a long time ago when i loved it as a kid. i just couldn't get into it this time it takes up way too much of your time. now that i'm all "grown up" i can't be sitting and playing a game for 2-3 hours every day :) so i think that's going on ebay, maybe the same thing for need for speed. it's fun to play but it's just not one of those games you pick up the controller for 10-15 mins here and there to play. everytime people come over to my home i show them the wii and my mii and they get a big kick out of it.

the ps3 reminds me of the neo-geo, i don't know if you guys remember what happened to them, they had a super-elite high powered gaming system that competed with nintendo and sega at the time and it lost miserably and faded away. i don't think that will happen to sony but i don't think sony will sell nearly as much as nintendo. how many homes in the US have TV's that support 1080? probably 20% or less. I think nintendo did the right move, release a system to the masses, make it backward compatible, fun to play, and that encourages everyone to pick up the controller. i'm sure in 2-5yrs or whenever 1080p TV's become more popular, etc nintendo will release another system, and when that happens it will still be fun, affordable and appeal to the masses.

ps - i have 3 PS3's sitting in my garage right now i bought from costco as a bundle to sell on ebay.... but no one is paying a premium for them anymore. i'm thinking of taking them back to the store and getting my money back.


Supramania Contributor
SupraOfDoom said:
Thats because the dust hasn't cleared.... just like I said.... they will be on shelves soon Sony is finally getting over the production problems they have had. It's much easier for Nintendo to pump out their re-hashed gimmick, no new technology re-packaged and cased GameCube then it is for Sony to have there lots of new technology power machine.
If it's suck a gimmick why is Sony modding their system to work with Nintendo's gimmick?? Don't tell me just because they can because the system is soooo powerful. We know it is.
It must not be that much of a gimmick if sony wants in, their six-axis controller is supposed to be just as good so why even bother?

Do you really believe PS3 is not going to do well? Because if thats the case I must laugh in your general direction. Wii is on top for now, but it won't be for good, even most of the analysts predict a PS3 next gen win around 2008-9.

ONCE AGAIN you respond before reading what I ACTUALLY said.
Stop half-ass reading. I said it won't do well until the price comes down. According to reports Sony is already LOSING money on each system sold, approximately $300 each. So explain how you can be on top by losing money?

SO like I said they won't do well UNTIL the price comes down (hardware, blueray etc.) Nintendo hasn't been on top for awhile and that doesn't seem to be the direction their going for, which is fine with them apparently. I'm sure part of their MO was to keep it affordable so they can sell more systems so that means the machine takes a hit somewhere. They risked it an we'll see what happens. If you believe they couldn't have made a more powerful system you can keep living that dream. They went for something different. 360 is doing pretty much what Sony is minus the blueray and motion sensing.

I do enjoy how at first you claim Nintendo ripped off Sony with the motion sensing then Cryo digs up an old article about how Nintendo did it first and now it's a gimmick.
Make up your mind.

Why was this post so long? I have nothing better to do at work. ;)
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Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
I don't care who ripped off who really, I was just sick of seeing Nintendo kids crying about the SIXAXIS being a rip off when its the most basic technology. I'm pretty confident both systems are going to have some good shit comming out, notiably mario party for wii, and all the games I repeatedly mentioned for PS3 above. Wii is simply for people who don't have enough time to devote to too many sweet single player games or online games. The reason I don't like it is because I'm a hardcore gamer, and Nintendo just doesn't fit in that category. The IGN staff even said that much... I like good graphics / sounds / hi-res, sweet single player and online games. Nintendo just doesn't have shit for that.

Personally I think the Wii is a POS, I don't understand why people can't see this.... but I suppose thats more reason for me to just let it go and accept it. I got friends who like the Wii over the PS3 as well even though they can't convince me of it being anything worthwhile, they try. 95% of Nintendo fans haven't played many generally exclusive PS titles, I think thats one of the big problems, they dont know what they are missing.

Anyway, now I'm just typing randomly..... but, wii sucks, and wii sports is boring as hell.

Oh and I've felt Nintendo has been making retarded systems since N64..... I felt this SAME way... and everytime I've been right. They make a system with stupid limitations or things you need to add on... and fail because of it. I think Wii will do well, but some how Britney Spears manages to sell albums to millions of retarded people, so nintendo can do it too.