My official Review of Wii and PS3


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
First off, yes you all know I am a loyal Sony fan, but I'll try and keep my personal opinions out of my review as much as I can.

First I will start off with Nintendo Wii:


  • Cheap

  • Some good launch titles ( Although I'm only intrested in Zelda personally )

  • Free Game ( Wii Sports )

  • Innovativeish Controller
  • Easier for Non-Gamers to get into
  • Wi-Fi Internet Connection
  • Downloadable games from multipule systems on the Wii store
  • Game-Cube Backward compatable ( Even has 4 game cube controller ports on back )
  • Wireless Controllers always a plus
  • The Classic Franchise titles like Mario/Zelda/StarFox/DonkeyKong. On a personal note, I'm very very excited about new Mario Party Games

  • Definately Under powered. Less powerful then orginal xbox! Only 480p support w/ after market Component cables
  • NO I repeat NO Non-Wireless Internet connection.. no RJ45 port at all, you HAVE to buy an adapter (No matter to me, I have 3 wireless routers here )
  • Not enough Wii-mote adjustable settings/calibrations ( I have a 50" Sony HDTV in my living room, and my living room is a fair size.... yet, I would have to completely re-arrange my living room in order for the Wii-mote to be perfectly aligned with where my hand is pointing. They recommend anywhere from 3-8 feet away for it to work properly, but I'm assuming the bigger your TV is the further you will have to be. The only settings they have are if you have the sensor bar on the top or bottom of your TV, and sensitivity, that is IT! )
  • The game cube to Wii ports. Games like Zelda were originally programed for the game cube, and as far as graphics goes for Zelda it certainly shows. It looks far from a next gen system ( Although, I will say I cannot find component cables in stores yet, so I'm not running it @ 420p )... infact it really looks only slightly better then a PS2 game if not very similar.
  • Wireless Controller requires batteries! I don't know about you guys but I personally hate replacing batteries, although I will give it this, the controller does not need to sync up with the system like PS3's, and another plus is you can monitor the battery life ( PS3 can also ).
  • Very little memory space... 512mb internal memory, and you have to buy after market SD cards to get more ( I would imagine if you want lots of roms you would need it ). SD cards can go up to about 4 gigs and that costs around $74.99. This lack of memory won't really allow much room for system improvements, mods, patches, add-ons, ect ect.. personally I think it will hold it back.
  • Operating System is simple, but so far I've found a few glitches. The one most noticable one is that when I click Wii News Channel or Wii Weather Channel, it says I will need the newest version to watch. Then I go to update ( which I already did first day ), and it says I have the newest version. So basically right now they do absolutely nothing. I don't know if they just aren't yet or what, but that seems rather dumb to me.
  • The buddy system, although I have not used it just yet, you do need to enter a 16 digit code to add a friend, along with their username. I've heard its actually more complicated then just that as well, and people are running into all sorts of problems. When you compare it to PS3's much easier add and accept buddy system ( which even shows what games your buddies are playing at the time ), the Wii's system seems flawed. I think that will change in a update though, hopefully
  • Kiddy games, Kiddy graphics. We all know Nintendo is more geared towards younger kids, and it will always hurt them for the hardcore gamers... Wii sports is just an easy example of the kiddy cartoony styling Nintendo has stuck with for so many years.
  • Overall weak launch titles, but when compared to PS3's launch titles it looks much better hehe. Zelda is IMO its saving launch game grace. And if I had to choose between the Zelda and Resistance, I would probably pick Zelda, infact I've been playing that more then I've been playing my PS3.
  • NO DVD PLAYBACK I'm sure most of you have DVD players already, but for those that don't that sucks... gotta buy a DVD playing add-on of some sort down the road
  • To get another complete controller setup its $60!

WHEW this is taking me over an hour! Now on to the PS3.

PS3 ( Note, I'm only using the 60 gig as an example ):

  • Hardware/Technology. Obviously in terms of power the PS3 is the top dawg.... supposedly 10-20 times more powerful then Wii, and 3x as power as Xbox360. This type of hardware ( Cell, Blu-Ray, HDMI, 1080p ect ect ) will last you years to come with a system that will be able to do very impressive things ( especially down the road once programs learn to work its magic ).
  • Wireless SIXAXIS controllers. After Syncing it to the system for the first time, you no longer have to do it.... you can turn on the system with this controller after this with just hitting the PS button. It's light... once you feel one you'll feel like the old dual shock was way too heavy, and about 2 hours of charging ( VIA USB ), gets you 30 hours of play on each one. Tilt function is also awesome, although it takes getting used to ( along with the wii's ), its a great addition ( In Resistance Fall of Man, if your caught on fire you actually have to shake the controller to put yourself out heehe ).
  • Blu-Ray. Although I mentioned it above, I will get more into it. When you have an HD-TV ( Mine only supports 1080i, but the difference is still way way noticable) , Blu-Ray movies and games w/ high resolution look absolutely nuts. I will NEVER buy a DVD movie again if its already out on Blu-ray. You really have to see for yourself to understand how great it is... over 5x the resolution as DVD. Also, another one of the great things about Blu-ray is it giving programmers so much space to work with, over 5 times the size of a dual layered dvd ( 50 gigs ), giving them plenty of room for crazy graphics / engines / sounds / voice acting / movies ect ect. This type of medium gives PS3 a big edge over other systems in terms of possabilties. Blu-Ray is also DVD/CD-Rom Backward compatable
  • HDMI Support. Experience games in FULL HD @ 1080p... no other system has this, it looks crazy.
  • FULL BACKWARD COMPATABLE SUPPORT. So many games from PS1 and PS2 to choose from... play your old games and import your old save date to the harddrive.
  • Hard drive. 60 gigs is plenty of memory, for whatever it is you wish to do ( Game Saves, Movies, Demos, Trailers, Homebrew/Modding/Roms, Pictures, Music ect ). Trust me with the PS3's online store your going to want to start filling this puppy up.
  • PS3's Online Store. The online store is pretty much like Xbox's Xbox live, except its free not just for a year but forever ( as well as online play ). You can download trailers of blu-ray movies, game demo's, hd-game trailers ect. Besides the DEMO downloads, pretty soon you will be able to download PSP games that are re-makes of classic PS1 games ( Resident Evil Directors Cut, Jumping Flash, Jet Meto ect ect, Plus alot more are comming, I'm crossing my fingers for FFVII ).
  • PSP Connectivity. Not only can you use remote play ( over wi-fi ), which allows you to use your PSP as a pretty much PS3 controller, you can directly stream movies and games to your psp. Obviously as I mentioned above, you can also download games for your psp for a small price. Oh, and in game support, for example the Indy car game allows you to use your PSP as a rear view mirror! Pretty soon they are releasing a patch that will allow you to connect to different PS3's around the world using remote play and your PSP. Also, if you have an adapter for your memory stick that your PSP uses, you can directly hook up a memory stick to your PS3, and take / exchange photo's , music, videos to your PSP.
  • Mouse and Keyboards ( USB ) are plug and play
  • One really good launch title. Resistance... and its fun as heck w/ 40 players online, rankings, ect ect.
  • Good OS, and different OS's are already available ( Linux ). It uses pretty much the easy straight forward layout that PSP uses, easy to use, looks great.
  • Moddablity. With a 60 gig hard drive ( which you can actually upgrade with out voiding the warranty ), and an option for different OS's like Linux, homebrew/mod applications are nearly limitless. Apparently there is already a Nintendo Wii Emulator for it already, and a Wii controller adapter comming soon as well. Plus all your other old emulated games will come as well, along with 64/gamecube/snes/dreamcast/xbox ones im sure. Also, this gives Sony and the game programmers room for expansions,patches, updates, new maps, ect ect
  • Wi-Fi. Not only is it Wi-Fi, but you can hook it up the standard way with a network cable, which is actually included in the system!
  • Up to 7 PS3 Bluetooth Controllers at a time
  • Buddy System. Add / Accept Buddies, its as easy as that. You can send picture files, messages, and I'm sure as more patches go by you will be able to exchange / do more. Also, its nice not entering a 16 digit number to add someone. You can even see what games your friends are playing.
  • Usually PS3 exclusive titles/ Franchise games. Tekken 6, Metal Gear Solid 4, Virtrual Fighter 5, Devil May Cry 4, Resident Evil 5, Gran Turismo 5, Final Fantasy XIII ( And possiably FFVII-Remake ), GTA ect ect
  • Potential. The System is crazy powerful, more powerful then just about any computer on the market today... with the cell and blu-ray, we really have no idea of whats in store or what programmers will be able to do with it. This system is going to last along time. I think its potential is its key element

Probably some more but I can't think of all right now.

  • Expensive! ( although look at the price of blu-ray players )
  • Big
  • Makes you buy things you dont NEED ( Even if it makes it better ), like Blu-Ray and 1080p support. ( For people stuck in the past cough * nintendo and its fanboys cough * )
  • You have to Sync up the controllers your first time turning it on through the USB port, or when switching controllers to another PS3.
  • Buggy. I had mine crash 3 times in a row testing sending a reply message to a "Buddy". Will be patched i'm sure but it sucks for now hehe
  • In order to transfer your memory card save files you need to buy an adapter for $14.99. Another complaint is you cannot transfer data BACK!
  • New Controllers are $49.99, $10 cheaper then Wii's but still expensive
  • Games are $60 on average new, and Blu-Ray movies $25.. more expensive then the compitition
  • Temporarly doesn't upscale DVDs to HD resolution. Will be fixed with patch.
  • No more Rumble, for now! :(
  • Sony fanboys like "SupraOfDoom" make tons of anti-wii/360 posts in every game related thread ever and its really annoying ( Even if he is right ).
  • Oh, one major problem with the PS3 Store is, while you are downloading you cannot do anything else. I heard its the same way for playing music files as well, like the PSP. I'm sure this can be fixed with patches but I haven't heard anything about it yet
  • I am not a big fan of the web browser either, very similar to PSP's but only supports flash 7 and I've ran into many problems, probably the most disapointing thing about the PS3 to me, although its bare-able.

I'm not even going to rate the systems, it's much to soon.

WHEW. Comments plz. Keep in mind if you don't have both or have very little experience with both then your comments probably won't help.

Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California
Did you even read the article? Its making fun of how retailers (Wal-Mart) misinform their employees.

From the same article said:
A direct quote from Silicon Knights president Denis Dyack says: “The 360 and the PS3 are equal in power in my eyes,” Dyack says. “Maybe the PS3 has more processing power. The 360 has more available memory. It’s pretty much a net, net. The public perception of the PS3 was that it was much more powerful. To developers, they look even.“


Rockin' the blades
Aug 13, 2006
Serena's Place ;)
Id like to eventually own all 3, Im not too biased, I love my PS2, PSP,,xbox and cube all the same. I hardly play games anymore, but well see how it goes, Im still waiting to try a pS3


Garage Queen VV
Apr 4, 2005
Toronto, ON
good post, i was gonna get a wii to hold off on the supposed first batches of glitchy ps3s, but i think ill just get a ps3 now.

PS. did you see that new ff7 for psp? Is that a remake or sidestory? I couldnt tell?


Rockin' the blades
Aug 13, 2006
Serena's Place ;)
SuprAng said:
good post, i was gonna get a wii to hold off on the supposed first batches of glitchy ps3s, but i think ill just get a ps3 now.

PS. did you see that new ff7 for psp? Is that a remake or sidestory? I couldnt tell?

Played ff7? Its before that and about Zack and sephiroth, pretty damn interesting... I cant WAIT for it.

Im also waiting 4 more days or so for the new Metal Gear Portable Ops for PSP, gonna kick ass.


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Yellow 13 said:
Good job deleting your link.

Heres a link to the article he posted for anyone who cares:
It was a bad source. Honestly I don't really care the PS3 vs XBOX360 comparison is a different ball game. Every tech junkie will agree the PS3 is a more powerful system though.

As for Chris Core here is the Trailer:
Or here:


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Yeah, I just figured there was alot of things people didn't know about both systems. Like before I got a Wii I didn't know about the Game Cube Controllers on the back, or that it had no network port... Man I still don't even know what some of the ports on the PS3 do lol


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
Pretty good post. I'd definitely agree with the Wii portion of your post from my experience, And for the most part your view of the PS3 is spot on. Good job!

I would like to clarify a few things:

1. Xbox Live does indeed have a free service, in fact Sony's marketplace is modeled after it. I could go in to debating which is better for what ever reason, but that is not the topic of this thread, it's only to compare the Wii and the PS3. I am merely clarifying some of the points made in your post.

2. The Xbox 360 comes with HD Component video cables.

One last point I would like to make, I'm a tech junkie and i don't agree that the PS3 is more powerful. It has more bells and whistles yes. but not more powerful. It's like saying the SC300 is more powerful than the Supra because it is a luxury car. Hell the SC400 had two more cylinders and still wasn't as powerful as the supra.

The PS3 utilizes an off-the-shelf video card where as the XBox 360's is built from the ground up for the console and comes with true next gen unified shader models. This gives the Xbox 360 a definitive edge in terms of graphic possibility.

Now the PS3 on the other hand has the CELL Broadband Engine. A processor that, also, was not designed from the ground up for a console. However it still works very well in the ps3 environment. The CELL has eight cores, as apposed to the xbox 360's three. Of these eight cores only one is a full featured processor primarily used to control the other seven. The other seven are very simple RISC processors used for advanced floating point precession. This give the PS3 a major advantage in the physics arena. The PS3 is very very good at calculating physics, unfortunately because of the simplicity and extremely limited instruction set in the RISC processors, physics is about all it can beat the 360 in. Most of the other stuff it is pretty close.

One area the 360 is able to pull ahead in will be AI because all three of it's processors are full featured, as well as capable of simultaneous multi-threading, giving them a total of six virtual cores, it can generate a more intelligent AI. Which is better graphics or physics? I guess time will tell.

Sorry for going off on that tangent but I wanted to clarify on one of the last posts you made. This thread is about the PS3 and the Wii, and from that point I agree with your conclusions.
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